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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

Table of Contents

Philippines Collections

Lot 2863    

Philippines, 1898-99 Revolutionary Government stampless covers, 7 including "Telegrafos Estacion De Aparri" seal handstamp on cover to Kiapa; "Provincia De Zambales, Dasol" handstamp on cover front; 1898 Cover to Santa Ana, folded letter datelined "Sta Ana 2 de Stbe a 1898" and addressed to the "Jefe Fuerza", fair strike of "Sanguinian Bayan/ Matibay" official seal; 1896 Circulated Cover Binalonan to Lingayen, folded letter with Spanish town cancel (same marking applied with contents); 1898 Cover La Trinidad to Quesada, folded letter datelined "La Trinidad 11 Nove 1898", addressed to the "Jefe Local", purple-black official seal (same as backstamp and another strike with contents); also 3 sheets showing various Official Seal handstamps, F.-V.F. overall; Signed Irwin Heiman and Spencer Anderson (photo on web site).
Estimate    $600 - 800.

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Realized: $450

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