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Sale 108: The Westpex Sale

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Philippines Collections

Lot 2861    

Philippines, Japanese P.O.W. Internment Camps 1-4 Group of Covers, Group of 40 U.S. mostly incoming, including a couple of Camp 5 and 11 with stationery or cover usages, one with 6¢ Prexie, two originating from England, one from Japan on stationery envelope, including "Service des Prisoniers de Guerre", incoming all from U.S. including one with contents, one addressed to "British Civilian Internee", one redirected from Manila to Tokyo with personal note from American POW at camp who sorted the mail, a few redirected, some with detailed write-ups, usual condition for these covers, Fine lot, rarely seen in this quantity (photo on web site).
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

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Realized: $3,000

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