Philippines, Regular & Lambert Sale Co. Issues Collection, 1925-31, neatly arranged and identified on stockpages in binder; with Lambert Sale Co. Issues including two registered Lambert package labels, one with 2c block of 8, 4c block of 4, 6c pair & 8c pair, another with a run of 2c-30c pairs, other used including two 2p pairs with different Manila cancels, 1p with top margin single, strip of 3, bottom margin strip of four with part imprint and block of 4, mint issues including 2c-30c top margin singles and pairs with additional lower values, 2c & 4c plate blocks of 16, also plate blocks of 20 of the 6c & 8c values, E6a block of 4, Regular issues with plate blocks of the 10c, 12¢ x2, and 20¢ plate of 20; a nice group for the specialist (no photo). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $2,200