(Civil War) 1861 Flag-of-Truce Mail: Leesburg Va. to Washington D.C., inner cover to Washington City with original "Leesburg Nov. 9th 1861" datelined enclosure, docketed "Paid inside", manuscript "Exd J.F.a" examiner's mark (Major John B. Frothingham at Fortress Monroe) crossed out and in same hand "Rejected on Acct. of length.", bold "DUE 3cts." handstamp and "Dead Letter Office P.O. Dpt." double-oval, docketing indicates this was finally received in Jan. 1862 and answered, cover with corner wear from thick contents, tear at top and part of backflap missing, still a Fine example of civilian flag-of-truce letter through Norfolk-Old Point Comfort, ex-Walske. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $600