(Civil War) 1861 (Jun. 8) Memphis, Tenn., Independent State to St. Louis Mo., blue folded letter sent two days after seceding from the Union bearing U.S. 3¢ dull red (26), partially removed possibly by postal authorities as not valid for postage, "Saint Louis Mo., Jun 13, 1861" backstamp when letter released, sent to D.L.O. where processed with blue crayon "1662" record number and sharp "Dead Letter Office, P.O. Dpt., Jun 20, 1861" double-oval with matching "DUE 3 cts" straightline for cost of return postage back to St. Louis, Fine and rare Civil War Dead Letter Use, ex-Wegner. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
This letter was mailed on June 8, 1861 from Memphis, Tenn. two days after seceding from the Union. It was successfully routed via Nashville and Louisville to St. Louis where it was redirected to the U.S. Dead Letter Office as it was not recognized as prepaid from a seceded state. This trip was probably the last through Louisville before the introduction of their Southern Letter Unpaid marking, which was used on mail arriving Jun. 13th and released starting Jun. 25th.
Realized: $800