1861, 5¢ orange brown, type II, vibrant shade, well centered with wide margins, tied by sharp "New-York, Aug 20, 1861" duplex with grid cancel on blue 1861 folded cover to Halifax, Nova Scotia, endorsed "p Steamer Europa" at top left, "Boston. Br. Pkt. Aug 21" exchange backstamp, manuscript "Missent to Newfdland" at left, blue crayon "4" crossed out, Halifax (9.2) arrival backstamp with matching "5" due handstamp; file fold through 5¢, "Type II" pen notation at bottom left, a Very Fine and attractive use; signed Ashbrook with his guarantee. Scott Nos. 30; $2,250 Estimate $400 - 600.
It appears this was one of a group of letters to Nova Scotia carried on this sailing of the Cunard Line "Europa" that were missent to Newfoundland.
Realized: $675