Manhattan Project & "The Atomic City" Oak Ridge, Tenn., group of seven covers; six from 1944-45 Manhattan Project correspondence to and from army sergeant (a member of the Special Engineer Detachment) working on Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, N.M., three incoming to Undercover P.O. Box 1663, Santa Fe, N.M. "U.S. Army Examiner" censor tape at right and "Paid by Examiner, Base 2296 Army" circular censor handstamp, and three outgoing posted in Santa Fe with two bearing similar return address, one later from different P.O. Box, two with U.S. Army corner cards; and a 1945 "The Atomic City" Oak Ridge cover sent to Army Captain (through A.P.O.) to hospital on El Paso, Tex., with original letter with content…Elmer is a designer for the Tenn. Eastman Co. I have no ideal what he designs its all very restricted. Everyone here has to wear a badge all the times and he has another one for the shop. (the badges mentioned were to detect radiation levels), Very Fine, a rare group from two of the U.S. Atomic Programs during WWII. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
"P.O. Box 1663" in Santa Fe N.M. was assigned to a scientist assigned to the Manhattan Project, which was located in Los Alamos N.m. and developed the atomic bomb. This was censored by U.S. Army censors.nnOak Ridge, Tenn. was the decision to build a nuclear development site in East Tennessee was made personally by General Leslie Groves on September 19, 1942. Groves had only been appointed the commander of the Manhattan Project two days prior.
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Realized: $850