"Ft. Fillmore N.M., July 7/61", manuscript docketing on orange cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) tied by circular grid cancel, matching sharp "Santa Fe, N.M. Jul 15" cds to Bristol R.I. Estimate $300 - 400.
According to government records, the Dr. Alden referred to was assistant post surgeon at the time. He was captured by the C.S.A. troops on July 27, 1861 at San Augustine Springs in the Organ Mountains, the day after the Federal troops destroyed Fort Fillmore and retreated toward Fort Stanton. Together with the other Federal officers and men, he was paroled and went to Fort Craig and then back east. He stayed in the Army after the Civil War and rose to serve as Assistant Surgeon General of the Army until his retirement in 1900.
Realized: $525