Lot 2001
(E. Clampus Vitus) E. Clampus Vitus Ritual, small printed pamphlet detailing the initiation ritual for new members, circa late 1850's with salmon cover printed "E.C.V.", inscribed on inside front cover "No. 6 Morristown Lodge/John T. Mason", vert. fold & some wear, F.-V.F.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
As more and more people came west, many fraternal organizations such as the Masons, Elks, and Oddfellows came along, too. They were apt to be clannish and somewhat disapproving of the rowdy miners they encountered, for they took themselves and their pomp and ceremony quite seriously. To make fun of the fancy sashes and bejewelled vests the others wore, the Clampers took to cutting tin can lids into odd shapes and pinning them to their own simple vests, most often worn over a bright red union suit. They called this "wearing your tin," a practice continued to this day, although badges, ribbons, and enameled pins have taken the place of tin can lids.
Entertainment was a cherished commodity in the diggin's, for life was hard, often brutal, and just as often short. Rather than add to life's burdens, Brothers of E Clampus Vitus sought to lighten the load. They looked on the absurdity of life as something to be cherished. With tongues set firmly in cheek, they hailed each other as "Noble Grand Humbug," "Roisterous Iscutis," "Grand Imperturbable Hangman," "Clamps Vitrix," and "Royal Gyascutis." Flowery oratory, ribald songs, and practical jokes were much admired. Yet the group was a highly respected, benevolent organization. For example, when a miner fell ill or died, the group would collect food, money and other items, take them to the widow and any orphans who had been left behind, and comfort them - especially the widow. Numerous newspaper accounts attest to the Brothers' generosity, such as the time when they braved swollen rivers, snowstorms, and treacherous trails to deliver Christmas gifts to some poor unfortunates who otherwise would have had nothing.