St. Pierre & Miquelon, High Quality Nearly Complete Mint Collection, 1885 - 1967, A superior all mint collection of hundreds of stamps in outstanding quality neatly mounted on carefully described pages in two albums plus dealer or auction lots, identified by Scott on lot sheets on Vario black pages. A lovely collection beginning with the first issues of Imperfs, followed by perforated singles, inverted surcharges, 1891 issue complete (19-35), overprints on Postage Dues, 1892 Navigation & Commerce (60-78), "France Libre" overprints (216A-220), plus Semi-Postals, Postage Dues and Parcel Post issues, Missing only rarities with singles and sets up to and over $1000 each with many in the $200. To $500. range where the value adds up quickly. Quality is excellent throughout, Auction or retail prices on these popular issues such as the comprehensive "France Libre" overprints will be in the 50% to 70% range of Scott. This collection is intact as received and again one of the finest that we have offered, it is a pleasure to view the scans or in person, many better items are signed, A few key stamps are N.H. and the balance o.g. Mainly Fine to Very Fine with only a few faults, Scott plus a few unlisted is approximately $30,000. with a significantly higher value in the French catalogues, There will be a slightly higher value as we didn't check for N.H. on all, Don't miss this lot! ex-Windsor. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $9,000