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Sale 103: The APS Auction

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Mexico Revenue Collections

Lot 4409 /o   

Mexico, - Renta Interior Revenue Collection, 1953-81, a wonderful mounted collection of 948 revenues and 197 documents; there are twenty seven 500p stamps and thirty three 1000p stamps, many stamps are not listed in the 2011 catalog, unlisted overprints include 1963 Anticipo Mercantiles, Ensenanza, Consumo Algodon (2 lines) as well as several other unlisted overprints, a 1954 Cedula Sexta 1000p with talon is also includes; catalog value of revenues is $12,141 including those on documents (revenues on the 197 documents catalog $5,879 for off document stamps), condition above the norm throughout, a collection that would be difficult to duplicate.
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

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