United States Mint and Used Stock, 1847-1900s, regular issues and back-of-the-book, better noted 10X1, #1 with blue cancel, #3, #4, #7 (9 used), #9 (6 used), 14 used, 15 used, 67 used, 120, 121 (2), 122 used, 160 d.o.g., 187, 218 no gum, 242 used, Trans-Miss to 50¢, Airmails including mint C1, C2 (2), C3-C6, Zepps C13 (2) and C14 (3), C18 (5 singles and blk/4 with pl #), good range of Duck Stamps, some plates, etc., mixed condition but some good value. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $10,000