Trinidad, Collection, 1847-1904, parallel mint and used collection neatly mounted on early quadrille pages; mint issues with a nice showing of good early four margin imperf issues including several multiples, selection of later Britannia perf issues with some better, 1869-95 5sh issues present, 1882 1d on 6d manuscript surcharge issue including a top margin block of 16, 1892-1904 issue high values and the 1893-94 Official set complete, used issues with a comprehensive showing of issues lacking mostly the rarities, including first issues with blue and white paper issues with shades and multiples, nice showing of the 1853-60 lithograph issues with scarcer present, later issues with additional shades, later multiples, 1882 surcharges bisected on piece, also includes a nice section of 12 stamps showing straight line "TOO-LATE" handstamps in red and black including two 5sh values, etc., also a selection of three covers and front with 1847 stampless and later Britannia issues; condition a bit above the norm throughout. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $2,900