Postal Card, 1875, 1¢ black on buff, unwatermarked, canceled by "New-York, Nov 13, 80" duplex, addressed to Betts Cove, Newfoundland, "NY/T" circular tax handstamp and pencil "5" centimes (1¢) short-payment rating, Newfoundland crossed out in blue crayon and updated to "2" cents due for double deficiency, Very Fine and outstanding short-paid use to Newfoundland. Scott No. UX5 Estimate $500 - 750.
Newfoundland was not part of Canada until April 1, 1949. As an independent country it joined the UPU on January 1, 1879, which set the postal card rate as 2¢ per card and letter mail at 5¢ per ½ ounce. Canada had a special treaty that set postage rates equivalent to domestic rates of 1¢ per card and 3¢ per ½ oz. at this time.
Realized: $550