1870, 15¢ bright orange, N.B.N.C. printing, used with 7¢ vermilion (149), s.e. at right, canceled by corks duplexed with "Hingham Mass. Nov 1" cds which also ties 15¢ on 1872 tissue-paper cover to Calcutta, India, red "Boston, Paid, Nov 1" cds with bright red crayon "18" cent credit to G.B. rating, sender's directive "Via Marseilles" crossed out and changed to via Southampton, red London Paid (11.13) transit cds and matching "1d" Colonial credit handstamp, reverse with Sea Post Office (11.29) and red Calcutta (12.16) arrival cds, stamps with some toning and small faults, cover with usual light wear, Very Fine and unusual combination to pay the 22¢ rate via Southampton. Scott Nos. 152 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950