Newfoundland, 1897 Postal Shortage Collection, balance of collection including two "Paid All" provisional uses, mint #75 and #76 singles (pos. 41 Type IIA Nfld 67a cat $420), used and mint #75 dramatic misplaced overprints (Nfld 66e), #75 used on local cover and on a wrapper to New York City; #75 used block from top left corner, #75 17mm surcharge local cover, #75 17mm surcharge with 4¢ Cabot to New York City; #76 on local cover (pos 41 type IIA, Nfld 67a $770), used #76 type II and IIA singles (pos. 41 Type IIA Nfld 67a cat $260), and some forgeries, F.-V.F. and interesting collection. Scott Nos. 75, 76 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $900