British Commonwealth, Stock, housed on stockpages in dozens of stockbooks, mostly more common material with some better and in modest to slightly heavy duplication; including a nice showing of India including mint Ghandi set x5 and 1937 10r pane of 60 (Scott 165, cat $1,260 for hinged), some G.B. with mixed early used including several 1840 1d black singles, Hong Kong with early issues with high values, 1891 2¢ Jubilee used, etc., some good Ceylon including an interesting forgery section with scarce Panelli & Jeffries forgeries, C.G.H. with early triangles, useful Australian States, Newfoundland with early issue forgery section, and many other countries represented; inspection may prove rewarding. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,700