1851, 3¢ orange brown, types I & II, plated cover collection, better plated collection of 58 covers mostly with single frankings, three with pairs, some shades, note #10A pos. 1L5E corner margin single on Lowell Mass. cover, #10 pos. 1R1I single on New Orleans La. cover, #10A pos. 87LO on blue Cincinnati cds cover, #10 vertical pair 83-93R1I on San Francisco Cal. 6¢ west-coast rate cover to Belfast Me.; #10 pos. 16L1E on Grand Rapids Mich. cover; #10A pos. 95L1E four-margin single on Dedham Mass. cover; #10A pos. 93L1I on New York City Jul. 13th cover; etc., some mixed condition and flaws with many better, F.-V.F. collection, ex-Celler. Scott Nos. 10, 10A Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $4,000