(Santa Fe Trail - Batemen Correspondence) "Stockton, Aug. 12, 1849", dateline on folded letter entering mails with "San Francisco Cal., Sep 1" cds and manuscript "40" cent rating to St. Charles Mo., letter reads "I hardly know what to write I arrived at this place yesterday after a journey of unprecedented toil of 130 days. I would have been here some sooner but for having taken off on some two hundred and fifty miles below with a detachment of Dragoons who struck for the mountains at point where Indians a short time since committed murder on Americans who attempted to penetrate their country for gold at which going it was represented to be very rich and I thought it a good opportunity to get where no body else could but owing to it taking more time than was anticipated the animals broke down, we got out of grub and were-forced to return to this place after getting (with) in about two days of the point in view, this place has sprung up almost in a Day, fourteen ships are now lying in the harbor & trade in every thing is very high numbers of crowds of people are every where though this region of country. Gold continues to be found in average quantities, but it is now as ever much of a lottery, some make none while others get a fortune in a short time. San Francisco do expect boats the world about this time is 125 miles from this place by land. I-leave here today for point a point in the mines 75 miles D -- distant, what my success will be only time can tell. Please write to me at Stockton, Upper California as yet I have heard nothing from any of you…", Very Fine and choice letter from California. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
This was E.B. Letter carried by the Pacific Steam Ship Co. "Panama" sailing to Panama on the ship's second trip that departed San Francisco on September 2nd 1849 carrying $350,000 in gold.
Realized: $1,900