(Santa Fe Trail - Batemen Correspondence) "Santa Fee, New Mexico, Oct. 16th 1848", dateline on folded letter entering mails with red "St. Louis Mo. '5' Nov 26" integral-rate cds to Jacksonville Ill., some good content "…I fear since the war is closer, letters directed to me may be stoped for the want of pre-payment of the postage to the original Boundaries of the States. Congress not having yet established a regular mail line to this country. Letters detained to this place would be treated as those bound to a foreign country in this respect…Last Evening I attended a select Tea party, at which Governor Washington & several of the chief officers of the Territory were present. All passed off well. I am boarding in a Spanish Family in whose house I keep my office - at 15$ per month…A Gentleman who wished to see what be could do, left here a short time since for the States by way of Independence to which letter place he intended to go in six days from here. - When last heard from he had reached a point nearly half way in two days & four hours. Wo be to the poor Mules if not to him…"; light fold toning, Very Fine and scarce use from Santa Fe. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250