1870 (Sept. 26) Paris to Pau, folded letter with manuscript endorsement "armée de Paris" to Pau, postmarked "Paris (60), 26 Sept. 70" double circle postmark with boxed "P.P." handstamp, backstamped "Pau, Oct. 2 70" arrival postmark, Very Fine, a rare military free frank posted at Paris Route 4 (rare bureau), carried by the États-Unis. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475
1870 (Sept. 30) Paris to Castres-sur-l'Agout, folded letter datelined "Montreuil le 30 7bre 1870" by an officer in the Garde Mobile du Tarn on "Garde Nationale Mobile/7e Régiment d'Infanterie/Le Lieutenant Colonel Commandant" letterhead, carried into Paris by Lieutenant Colonel de Juge and posted with Paris, Sénat, 30 Sept. 70 double circle, franked with 1863 20c Empire Lauré tied by numeral "6" star cancel, backstamped with Périgueux-Toulouse transit and arrived "Castres-sur-l'Agout, 15 Oct. 70" arrival, Very Fine, delayed from the Armand Barbès and carried by the Washington/Louis Blanc. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270
1870 (Oct. 2) Paris to Moutiers-Maufaits, small folded letter datelined "2 8bre Bicêtre" to Moutiers-Maufaits, postmarked "Armée Du Rhin, Bau AM, 2 Oct. 70" double circle fieldpost postmark of the 13th Corps with an unauthorized but accepted military free frank, backstamped "Moutiers-Maufaits, 17 Oct. 70" arrival postmark, Very Fine, delayed from the Armand Barbès and carried by the Washington/Louis Blanc; with 1992 Robineau certificate. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
1870 (Oct. 3) Paris to Quimper, postcard addressed to Quimper and postmarked "Paris, La Maison-Blanche, 3 Oct. 70" with black P.P for military free frank and blue boxed "Marins de Lorient" unit marking of the 2nd Battalion of naval marines, no arrival marking, Very Fine and rare, the Paris La Maison-Blanche is a rare postal marking with fewer than ten examples known on balloon mail, probably carried by the Armand Barbès; signed Goebel. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $550
1870 (Oct. 6) Paris to Algeria, small homemade envelope datelined "Polygon de Vincennes 5 8bre" and addressed to a Captain in the 9th Chasseurs, Milianah, Algeria, posted with "Armée du Rhin Bau AL, 6 Oct. 70" double circle fieldpost postmark of the 13th Corps with an unauthorized but accepted military free frank; backstamped "Milianah Algeria 21 Oct. 70" arrival postmark, Fine and scarce, a rare destination with Military usage, delayed from the Armand Barbès and carried by the Godefroy Cavaignac/Jean Bart No 1. Estimate $400 - 600.
1870 (Oct. 6) Paris to Varennes-en-Argonne (Occupied Zone), folded letter to Varennes-en-Argonne, postmarked "Paris, Auteuil, 6 Oct. 70" double circle postmark and franked with 20c Empire Lauré tied by large numeral "241" losange cancel, blue manuscript 30 centimes occupation postage due, no arrival marking as is usual in Occupied Territory, Very Fine, probably carried by the Armand Barbès. Estimate $300 - 400.
Sent by a corporal in the 26th March Regiment of the 14th Corps; no military free frank was allowed after September 27, so the required balloon postage was prepaid.
Realized: $375
1870 (Oct. 8) Paris to Chamboulives, small folded cover to Chamboulives, postmarked "Paris, R. St Domque St Gn 58, 8 Oct. 70" double circle and franked with 1863 20c Empire Lauré (trimmed perfs at top) tied by numeral "20" star cancel, backstamped red "Société de Secours aux Blessés Militaires Paris" Red Cross marking on the reverse, Chamboulives, 17 Oct. 70 arrival backstamp, F.-V.F., a very rare marking of the Franco-Prussian War with fewer than five known on balloon mail, delayed from the Armand Barbès and carried by the Godefroy Cavaignac/Jean Bart No 1. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
1870 (Oct. 10) Paris to Granville, folded cover made from "10e Arrondissement/Ambulance de Premiers Secours/Rue Claude-Vellefaux, 48" printed letterhead, postmarked rare "Paris, R. Des Ecluses-St-Martin, 10 Oct. 70" double circle and franked with 1863 10c Empire Lauré pair tied by numeral "39" star cancel, cover addressed to Granville and forwarded to Dinan, numerous transit and arrival backstamps including scarce "Bureau de Passe 3112" of Rennes of Oct. 20, Very Fine, delayed from the Armand Barbès and carried by the Godefroy Cavaignac/Jean Bart No 1. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
1870 (Oct. 15) Paris to Donchéry (Occupied Zone), printed fomular letter to Donchéry, postmarked "Paris, Bt Malesherbes, 15 Oct. 70" double circle and franked with 1863 20c Empire Lauré tied by numeral "37" star cancel; marked "P.P." for partial payment to occupied France; backstamped with superb strike of blue "Auswartiges Amt des Norddeutschen Bundes" German censor marking, docketed November 20 arrival in occupied Donchéry with blue manuscript 30c German postage due, Very Fine, probably carried by the Jules Favre No1. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
This German censor's marking is very rare (fewer than ten known) which was used by the North German Confederation Foreign Affairs Department at Versailles from October 19 to November 16.
1870 (Oct. 15) Paris to Marseille, blue folded cover to Marseille, postmarked "Paris, Corps Législatif, 15 Oct. 70" double circle and franked with 1863 20c Empire Lauré (tiny corner defect at bottom right) tied by numeral "31" star cancel, cover backstamped with rare blue "Commandant Supérieur/Défense de Paris/3me Secteur" marking and "Marseille, 22 Oct. 70" arrival postmark, Very Fine and rare, carried by the Jean Bart No 1. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $550