Liberia, "Monrovia Dec. 11th 1841", datelined folded letter with good content reading "…Your boy is again in Africa. We anchored in the Monrovia harbor yesterday morning and the Kroomen who came on board brought us the affliction and most astounding news Death!…that he whom anticipated the delight of cordially grating my honoured friend Gov Buchanan was dead…", carried by private ship to Hillsdale N.Y., entered mails with blue "Philadelphia Pa., Apr 24" cds and matching "Ship" handstamp with magenta "20¾" rating for 18¾¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

Liberia, 1844 (Feb. 11) Folded Letter to New York, folded letter from Missionary Rev. Robert W. Sawyer to New York N.Y., missing datelined leaf, missionary related content including excitement over the potential arrival of a physician, carried by private ship to New York where entered the mails with ms. "6" cent ship due rating; edge separations and file fold toning, Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Liberia, 1845 (c.) "U.S.S. Yorktown, Monrovia, April 13th", datelined folded letter, four pages, with some interesting content including "…limited time I have spent on this coast, to have the opportunity of studying the character and customs of the "Liberian people" in public and private, in court and camp, "West End" and City. I have had the honor of dining with his Excellency the President (not at his own house - I did back out from that), but at no less august a place that the Ward-room of the Yorktown - Listened to the debates in the Senate Hall, accompanied their Army in it military expeditions - made myself agreeable to the fashionable fair; drank wine with the great Officers of States in their houses and whiskey with the General in his tent…From experiences thus gained, I have come to the conclusions following - That the Republic of Liberia is a glorious republic - That the Sovereign and that the President is - (as one of his aides one day remarked) 'the President is a great nigga'. By the way I have in my possession a note from that same officer - (who is no other than the celebrated Colonel Hicks), and which I have preserved as a curiosity…The Black Schoundrel I had never seen him but once, and as a result of that meeting had registered a passing vow, to break his shins the next time I met him (you know it is not use trying to break a negro's head or neck). The military expedition alluded to was to a place called New Cess…the quarrel was about…'that the rascals down there said the people up at Monrovia were black'. When we got down there, however, we found there was a slave factory to broken up, which with the assistance of a French Steamer they did, capturing the slave dealers and burning the towns of the Chiefs who supported them…we had the please of carrying the President with us to a place to the northward called Cape Mount…", second leaf seems to be missing; some light staining, F.-V.F., a great early U.S. Naval letter from Monrovia. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450

Liberia, "Monrovia Liberia, Western Africa Oct 12th 1847", datelined gray folded letter from missionary H.W. Ellis to New York sent privately, letter concerns missionary matters and moving from Rev. J.W. Robert's house to that of James Brown M.D., and that it could be bought cheaply, and other lots have been offered pending response from the board, etc., Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Liberia, "Mission House, Settra Kroo, May 1st/48", datelined folded letter from Missionary C.A. Connelly to New York N.Y. with some interesting content concerning recent travel to Monrovia and his family coming down with the fever, notes "the unsettled state of the war", carried by private ship to New York where entered the mails with red "6" in circle due handstamp; light fold toning and edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.

Liberia, "Greenvill Sinoe, Ap 9/51", datelined folded letter from Missionary James Priest to New York with some interesting content about needing tobacco, hams, update on Apr. 1th about small pox outbreak in town, etc., carried by private ship to New York where sharp black "6" in circle due handstamp struck; slight folded toning and small tear, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.

Liberia, "Greenville Sinoe, April 13/52", datelined folded letter from Missionary James Priest to New York with noting "I merely write to let you know that I am out of heart. We now have a population of about twelve hundred, and to think that we have only minister and only one school connected with our church is very couraging…"; carried by private ship to Baltimore, entered mails with blue "Baltimore Md. Jun 17" cds and red "Ship" and "7" rating handstamps; file fold toning, Very Fine and choice use. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Liberia, "Greenvill Sinoe, April 13/52", greenish datelined folded letter from Missionary Rev. James M. Priest to New York with some content "…I merely write to let you know that I am out of heart. We now have a population of about twelve hundred and to think we have only minister and only one school connected with our church is very couraging indeed…"; carried by private ship to Baltimore, entered mails with black "Baltimore Md. Jul 3" cds and matching "Ship" and "7" rating handstamps; file fold toning, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230
Liberia, "Settra Kroo, Aug 12th 1857", datelined folded letter from Missionary Washington W. McDonogh to New York with some content concerning the disrepair of the house and good health, noting in postscript "My school has been very prosperous for the last six months numbering fifteen Native boys but I am sorry to say that owing to the scarcity of provisions I have been compelled to turn off mine"; carried by private ship to Baltimore, entered mails with blue "Baltimore Md. Oct 5" cds and matching "Ship" and "5" rating handstamps; file fold, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.

Lot 419 E
Liberia, 1964-65, 12¢-50¢ New York World's Fair, unissued trial color die essays, 14 different dual composite essays, for the 12¢ & 30¢ regular issue and 50¢ airmail issue, on gummed wove paper, o.g., never hinged, Very Fine, a very rare unissued set.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180