Philippines, Eclectic Collection, containing two large stock books of n.h. Philippines 1946-2001 almost complete (couple of small, cheap gaps) including souvenir sheets and special issues, also included are some early EFO's with preprinting paper folds, a cigar box of Japanese occupation covers, a large quantity of revenues in bundles and some better including E1 mint, E4 used, N6b used; owner's 2020 cat is $5,000+. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $900
Philippines, Revenue Collection, mix of issues mostly on stock pages, dealer cards and glassines; starting with early Spanish Admin issues with later Giro & Recargo series, small hoard of 1898-99 revolutionary issues, fair showing of eagle & shield Sello & Class series, some early U.S. admin and later I.R. issues, documentaries including customs fee, host of other issues including tobacco related, postal savings, impressed cattle issues, also some early stamp paper documents; condition varies with duplication to be expected. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525
Lot 2642
Philippines, Revenue, 1947 Victory Customs Fee Issue, various issues on six coastwise licenses and a hull and boiler inspection document, all dated between 1949-51; custom stamps include 100p, 50p (4), 20p (6), 5p (2), 2p (8), 1p & 20¢ also an additional eight documentary issue in combination; a difficult group of these scarce on document issues, ex-A. Warren (Warren 901//906).Estimate $200 - 300.
Puerto Rico, Revenue Collection, mix of issues mostly on stock pages and dealer cards; includes Scott listed revenue including 1901 Excise specimen set (R1S-R9S) as well as a the range of rectified spirits issues, nice cigarette and cigar blue paper issues including some large bands, municipal and liquor bands, later excise & internal revenue issues, some Spanish administration issues, etc.; condition varies with duplication to be expected. Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $2,500
Lot 2644 o
Puerto Rico, Cigarette Tax Stamps, including many that where cut from cigarette packs, accumulation of 1,915 with many provisional issues with new prices, different colors; inspect.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $200
United Nations, Accumulation, 1972-98, large holding completely filling two large boxes; includes over 1,900 FDC's from 1972-98 (many covers with blocks of 4) plus 100's of prood cards, 256 1982-89 Flag issue FDC's in Fleetwood binders, and a large new issue hoard 1982-98 including singles, blocks, sheets and booklets. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $230
Lot 2646
United Nations, 1980-82 Special Autographed Lithographs, 11 different; includes Muhammad Ali, Otavio Roth, Ole Hamann, Joan Miro and Gloria Swanson; nice condition and very scarce.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $230