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Sale 97: The Westpex Sale

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Lots 2457-2466 Lots 2467-2474

Lot 2457    

Special Delivery Covers, 1890s-1970s, interesting group of about 90 covers with a range of frankings and usages including airmail, foreign destinations, registered mail, etc., worth a closer look.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

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Lot 2458    

Special Delivery First Day Covers, group of FDCs including several Prexies like 823 (cats $150) and 771 paying special delivery service, F.-V.F.
Scott No. E13-E23, CE1-CE2    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $220

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Lot 2459    

Special Delivery Postal History Collection, 1885-1900s, many hundreds in binders or loose, with commercial uses of every Special Delivery stamp from E1 right up to E23, as well as CE1-CE2, value in the earliest including E1 (22), E2 (32), E3 (26) and E7 (12 - the most difficult of all Special Delivery Issues); note a several postage due uses, registered uses, four inbound foreign combo uses comprising E15 from Holland, E15 from Cuba, E17 from Bolivia and E19 from Colombia; the later issues contain a small number of philatelic covers, plus a few Special Delivery covers without Special Delivery stamps, generally Fine-V.F. and better, a nice basis on which to build.
Estimate    $3,000 - 4,000.

Realized: $2,100

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Lot 2460    

Registry, 1911, 10¢ ultramarine Collection, collection of 45 covers mounted on pages, note a 5¢ #378, F1 use to Germany; #F1 on 2¢ U411 entire to Canada; a couple more to Canada, 1912 Special Delivery use with #E8; F1 used on Idaho Interior Dept. penalty cover; better state uses from West Virginia and North Dakota; some mixed condition, an excellent basis for a comprehensive display of this area.
Scott No. F1    Estimate $500 - 750.

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Realized: $425

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Lot 2461    

Registry Mail Return Receipt Collection, 1880-1890s, collection of over 185 return receipt cards with a wide variety of cities and types, all with types identified from early to type C, note retail values up to $50, wide range of towns include Waterbury Ct., Philadelphia Pa., Washington D.C., Toledo Oh., San Francisco Cal., etc., also includes 1871 and 1878 "Return Registered-Letter Receipts"; one of the more comprehensive holdings ever assembled, impossible to duplicate.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

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Lot 2462    

Postage Due Covers, 1880s-1900s, nice group of over 140 covers with many interesting uses including incoming foreign mail from Panama, Germany, Canada, Sweden, France, Bolivia, Great Britain, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Switzerland, etc., some better noted include J19 on 1886 incoming use from Great Britain; 1881 Montana Terr. J3 use; Special Delivery lacking postage and Post Card without postage, etc.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $800

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Lot 2463    

Carrier Issue Balance, 1850-57, of 16 covers, couple fronts and a few stamps; includes three N.Y. local covers with #24 or 63 tied by different "City Delivery" date stamps, LO2 +11A Philadelphia carrier front (E. Diena cert), Baltimore horse & rider carriers including two 1¢ red + 3¢ tied combination and one 1¢ black + 3¢ tied combination, couple 1¢ black local usages including short ray variety, Boston carriers with scarce #3LB1+1 combination on front, N.Y. with #6LB5b use, 6LB9 & 6LB10 usages (not tied), Philadelphia with 7LB11 on cover, also includes a couple forgery items including 10X1 cover; condition varies.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $575

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Lot 2464    

Carriers and Locals Postal History, group of over 30 covers and entires including Bloods, Boyds, Carters, etc; mixed condition, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $575

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Lot 2465    

Local Issue Collection Balance, over a dozen covers and several hundred stamps; covers including American Letter Mail 5L1 and 5L2, Bouton's handstamp stampless, Brooklyn City Express 28L4 (Philadelphia) City Dispatch 41L1 tied, three Hale's franked covers, Swart's combination cover, Westtown usages and a 25¢ blue Wells, Fargo & Co. Virginia Pony cover (faulty & soiled), some better off cover items including Bicycle Mail Route entire and a couple of stamps, Pomeroy's 117L3 on part cover, good Blood's issues, etc., also includes some literature including Nathan/Boggs Pony book and Patton's Private Local Post; condition mixed.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,500

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Lot 2466    

Blood & Co. Local Cover Balance, group of 25 covers and a front; includes a couple stampless covers, #15L6 tied on local cover, scarce 15L10 canceled on front (cat $500 off cover), a host of the later small type stamps including 15L13+11A & 15L13+10A combinations, many 15L14 combination usages including on 3¢ Nesbitt, 15L15 combinations, etc.; condition varies.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $625

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Lots 2457-2466 Lots 2467-2474

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