Airmail FAM & CAM Flight Cover Stock, of approximately 1,200 covers sleeved and priced mostly in two cover stock boxes, generally priced between $7-$45; CAM's (approximately 400) with a least 20 #C4 usages with a nice array of first flight throughout, FAM's arranged by route #'s, nice showing of Trans-Pacific flights with various Pacific Island frankings, good FAM 22 covers from San Juan, P.R., Nigeria and Gambia; some duplication to be expected, worth inspection. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,250
Airmail Postal History Group, of several hundred covers and some ephemera; includes a nice section of early and colorful airline baggage labels, useful covers including commercial Pan-Am flights, later transatlantics, dedication covers, small group of unused 1948 humorous L. Morris Souvenir Airmail Post Cards, etc.; inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $450
Airmail Postal History Stock, of approximately 1,000 covers sleeved, priced and arranged by subject, generally priced between $5-$75; areas including 5¢ Beacon issue usages including better Lindbergh flown, Zeppelin flown, catapult, Roessler cachet and pilot signed, other pilot signed usages, foreign destinations, scarce early C1 flight from Newark, dozens of 2nd issue airmail issues, 1941 Crosby FDC set, "Lindy Covers", Airport Dedication and Event sections including a group of Kans-Nebr overprint issue usages, National Airmail Week covers and a small section of Rocket Mail with a few better; worth inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,800
Transatlantic & Transpacific Flight Covers, 1938-47, approx. 120 covers from the FAM 18 Transatlantic Pan-American flights, 1935 Transpacific survey flights (including Wake Island) and the FAM 14 flights; all in nice condition. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $525