Confederacy, Camp Douglas, Chicago Ill., orange buff circa 1863 cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) cancelled by circular grid duplexed with "Chicago Ill., Feb 7" cds to Kentucky, partial "Camp Douglas" censor handstamp at bottom left; some red ms. erased, reduced slightly at left, F.-V.F. and scarce Camp Douglas use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Confederacy, Johnson's Island, Ohio, 1864 inbound cover to Lieut. Col. J.W. Inzer, Prisoner-of-War at Johnsons Island, Ohio bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by fancy cogwheel cancel, matching "San Francisco Cal., Sep 21, 1864" cds, manuscript "Ex TOC" examiner's censor marking; no flap, small flaws including edge tears and wear, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $270

Confederacy, Johnson's Island, Ohio, homemade post-war reconstruction-era 1865 inbound cover to Capt. C.D. Anderson, Prisoner-of-War at Johnsons Island, Ohio bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by cork cancel duplexed with "Richmond Va., Jun 6" cds, magenta "Ex GSB" examiner's censor marking, original June 6, 1865 letter from George W. William with instructions to make a written application to make oath and be released from prison; couple stain spots, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250

Confederacy, Ohio State Penitentiary, Columbus, Oh. (Morgan's Raider), Prisoner of War correspondence group of 7 covers bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Columbus O." duplexes dated Sep. 16th to Nov.7th, sent from Major Robert Bullock who was a member of the infamous Morgan's Raiders of the 9th Kentucky Cavalry to his wife Mrs. Mary F. Bullock at Lexington Ky., manuscript one with "Ex Geo. S. Lester A.D.C." and four with "Ex W A Judkins, ADC" examiner's markings for Lt. George S. Lester and Lieut. William A. Judkins respectively, two without markings; some mixed condition and faults with one repaired, F.-V.F. and scarce group. Estimate $500 - 750.
Accompanied by an article by Richard B. Graham and Lynn K. Brugh "The Detection and Identification of Covers Sent by Officers of Morgan's Men from Ohio Penitentiary".
Realized: $725

Confederacy, Ohio State Penitentiary, Columbus, Oh. (Morgan's Raider), buff Prisoner of War cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Columbus O. Sep 30" duplex, sent from Major Robert Bullock who was a member of the infamous Morgan's Raiders of the 9th Kentucky Cavalry to his wife Mrs. Mary F. Bullock at Lexington Ky., manuscript "Ex W A Judkins, ADC" examiner's marking for Lieut. William A. Judkins, Commandant of the Columbus area; reduced a bit at top and no flap, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Following the capture of General John Morgan and his men on July 26, 1863, after one of their raids through Kentucky and Ohio, it was deemed that they should be confined separately at the Ohio State Penitentiary rather than on Johnson's Island as normal prisoners of war. Nevertheless, Morgan and a few of his men managed to escape four months later, further adding to the notoriety and legend of the feared Morgan's Raiders. During their imprisonment the Governor of Ohio had been forced to apologize for Warden Merion's cruel treatment of the prisoners.
Realized: $400

Confederacy, Old Capitol Prison, Washington D.C., prisoner-of-war orange cover bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by fancy geometric radial cancel, matching "Washington D.C., Aug 19, 1862" double-circle datestamp to Martinsburg Va., red "Approved by ______ Provost Marshal, Washington D.C." examiner's handstamp (Type E) with manuscript "Murphy" examiner's signature; some wear and light soiling, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Martinsburg was in Western Virginia and remained in Union control throughout the war.
Realized: $650