Great Britain, 1841, 1d red brown, right margin single, o.g., wide margins showing portion of adjacent stamp at left, rich vibrant color, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 3. SG No. 8 £600 ($780).
Realized: $525

Great Britain, 1841, 1d red brown, lettered "PI", full margins except in at right, tied by Number 4 in Maltese Cross on multicolor Valentine entire from London to Fleetwood, Preston, reverse with London "FE - 23, 1844" despatch cds; Valentine from Sir Peter Hesketh-Fleetwood (1801-1866) to his wife back home; cover tear and wear, F.-V.F. and rare Numeral "4" Maltese Cross use. Scott No. 3. SG No. 8; £1,500 ($1,950) Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180

Great Britain, 1883, Queen Victoria, 2s6d lilac on white paper, Anchor watermark, o.g. (h.r.), nicely centered, Very Fine. Scott No. 96 $625. SG No. 178 £600 ($780).
Realized: $240

Lot 4 o
Great Britain, 1884, Queen Victoria, £1 brown lilac, Imperial Crowns watermark, barred oval duplex cancels, deep color, small natural paper wrinkle at right, otherwise Fine. Scott No. 110.SG No. 185 £3,000 ($3,900).
Realized: $375