(Scandinavia) 1868 (Mar. 16) Plain City, Utah Territory to Fåborg, Denmark, buff cover 2¢ black (73), 3¢ rose (65) and 10¢ green (68), manuscript cancels and matching "Plain City, Utah, March 16/68" postmark on 3¢ pink (U59) buff entire, red "New York, Paid All, Direct, Mar 31" cds and bold red "3" cent credit handstamp, carried by Hapag Line Allemania from New York Mar. 31st to Hamburg arriving Apr. 13th, light red "Hamburg, Franco 13/4 68" framed transit and blue crayon "1 Wfr" sgr credit rating, "Nyborg 14/4" cds with attached concentric circle "43" struck front and back; light file fold does not affect stamps, Very Fine and extremely rare Utah Territory Black Jack use to Denmark, ex-Allen, Rorke, Faust. Estimate $500 - 750.
This entire was prepaid at the 18¢ Closed Mail rate to Denmark to ensure sending on the first possible ship out of New York, but actually sent direct at the 13¢ rate.
Reference: Illustrated in Lane book on p. 43.
Realized: $1,100

(Scandinavia) 1870 (Mar. 1) Hartford, Conn. to Copenhagen, Denmark, cover with preprinted address bearing 3¢ ultramarine (114) horizontal pair, tied by cross-roads fancy cancel duplexed with "Hartford, Conn. Mar 1" cds, black "New York, Mar 2" cds and matching "Insufficiently Paid" straightline, carried by Cunard Line Calabria from New York Mar. 2nd to Queenstown arriving Mar. 12th, blue "Verviers, Coeln" (3.14) transit backstamp with blue crayon "7" sgr due rating for 5 sgr postage (marked on reverse) plus 2 sgr fine, Copenhagen (3.16) arrival backstamp with red crayon "38" skilling due rating; slightly reduced at top, otherwise Very Fine and interesting short-paid use, ex-Coulter. Estimate $400 - 600.
Copenhagen marked "38" skilling due for 28 skilling (7 sgr) plus 10 skilling local postage.
Realized: $650

(Scandinavia) 1874 (Apr. 3) Astoria, Oregon to Copenhagen, Denmark, cover bearing 3¢ green (158) and 6¢ dull pink (159), each canceled by neat grid, matching "Astoria, Ogn. Apr 3" cds, red "New York, Paid All, Via Hamburg, May 7" exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Thuringia from New York May 7th to Hamburg arriving May 19th, Copenhagen (5.21) arrival backstamp; bottom right corner wear, Very Fine use at the 9¢ Direct Mail rate. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

(Scandinavia) 1874 (Jan. 27) Concord, N.H. to Trondheim, Norway, cover bearing 10¢ brown (161) tied by bold circular grid cancel duplexed with "Concord N.H., Jan 27" cds, red "New York, Paid All, Ger. Transit, Jan 28" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Java from New York Jan. 28th to Queenstown arriving Feb. 7th, Very Fine and scarce use at the 10¢ NGU Closed Mail rate via England. Estimate $300 - 400.
The US-Kingdom of Sweden and Norway Convention effective July 1, 1873 established closed mails through England the NGU for a single rate of 10¢. The new style New York exchange office "Ger. Transit" cds marking was used for this convention.
Realized: $250

5234 (
(Scandinavia) 1874 (Jun. 11) New York N.Y. to Christiania, Norway, cover front only bearing 10¢ brown (161) tied by NYFM radial geometric cancel, red "New York, Paid All, Ger. Transit, Jan 11" exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Frisia from New York Jun. 11th to Hamburg arriving Jun. 23rd, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

5235 (
(Scandinavia) 1874 (Jun. 18) New York, N.Y. to Christiania, Norway, reduced cover front bearing 10¢ brown (161) tied by bold NYFM multi-star geometric cancel, red "New York, Ger. Transit, Jun 18" exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Thuringia from New York Jun. 18th to Southampton arriving Jun. 28th, Christiania (7.7) arrival cds, Very Fine reduced front at the 10¢ NGU Closed Mail rate. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

(Scandinavia) 1861 (Apr. 20) Boston, Mass. to Gottenburg, Sweden, cover bearing 12¢ black (36B) and 30¢ orange (38). tied by two strikes of large "Paid" grids, matching "Boston, Am. Pkt., Apr 20" exchange backstamp, carried by Allan Line Canadian II from Portland Apr. 20th to Liverpool arriving May 2nd, red London (5.2) transit backstamp and manuscript "1/" debit 1s rating (82 øre), Swedish ms. "111" inland for final due rating of "193" øre at top left; stamps and cover faults, Fine and rare usage to Sweden, ex-DuPuy. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Cover was prepaid for the 42¢ Prussian Closed mail rate per ½ oz., but found to be over weight. Insufficient postage for full prepayment by any route, so sent by British Open Mail despite not have been publicly available since 1857.
Realized: $700

(Scandinavia) 1870 (Jul. 7) Hartford, Conn. to Gothenburg, Sweden, Warner correspondence cover bearing 2¢ brown (113), 3¢ blue (114) pair and 10¢ yellow (116), vibrant color, all tied by segmented grid cancels duplexed with indistinct Hartford, Ct. July 8th cds, endorsed "via N. German Union" at lower left, red "New York, Paid All, Direct, Jul 9" exchange backstamp and red "4" cent credit handstamp, carried by NGL Line Main from New York Jul. 9th to Southampton arriving Jul. 19th, red "Bremen, Franco, 21/7 70" framed transit and and matching partial strike of "Weiterfr. 1½ Sgr" framed credit handstamp (paid beyond); cover repaired at left, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,400

(Scandinavia) 1873 (Jul. 17) Bedford Pa. to Stockholm, Sweden, blue "Bedford, Pa. Jul 17" duplex with quartered cork cancel ties 7¢ orange vermilion (160) on 3¢ green on amber entire, orange "Philada., Paid All, Jul. 18" exchange cds also ties stamp and bold strike of Philadelphia Foreign Mail three-bar grid cancel, red crayon "4" cent credit rating, carried by NGL Line Deutschland from New York Jul. 19th to Bremerhaven arriving Aug. 1st, red "Bremen, Franco, 1/8 73" framed transit and matching "Weiterfr. 1½ Sgr" framed credit handstamp, Stockholm (8.4) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and choice use at the 10¢ Direct Mail rate to Sweden, ex-Gallagher. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375