1857 (c.) Belleville Ill. to Brunswick, newspaper wrapper with two strikes of red "Paid 3", endorsed "Via Bremen or Hamburgh" at top, New York red "Paid All" straightline, probably carried by Hapag line, Very Fine and rare wrapper use, ex-Winter. Estimate $300 - 400.
Although origin markings do not appear on this wrapper, three other wrappers are known in the same hand and to the same addressee in Brunswick, all from Belleville, Illinois. "Via Bremen or Hamburg" routing instructions would indicate contract steamship service of either the North German Lloyd Line to Bremen or HAPAG Line to Hamburg, setting the date after July 1, 1857 when the Hamburg Treaty began. New York marked the red PAID ALL because the newspaper was paid to destination. Absence of a Bremen arrival markings indicates HAPAG steamer to Hamburg.
Realized: $280

1859 (Oct.) New Orleans, La. to Cromford (Ratingen), Rhenish Prussia, blue printed circular outer sheet bearing 1¢ blue (24) horizontal pair, tied by partial "New Orleans" cds, New York large red "Paid All" straightline, carried by Hapag Line Hammonia from New York Nov. 1st to Hamburg arriving Nov. 16th, Hamburg (11.16) backstamp and small black "Franco" straightline handstamp, Dusseldorf (11.17) backstamp, Very Fine and attractive, ex-Winter. Estimate $300 - 400.
Prepaid normal printed matter rate for most circulars overseas. New York elected to place it in the mails carried to Hamburg under the Hamburg Convention, even though the newspaper rate beyond Hamburg was 3¢, allowing the 1¢ underpayment. Hamburg struck the small FRANCO based on New York's PAID ALL handstamp. Steamship determined by best fit of sailings and the Hamburg arrival date shown on reverse.
Realized: $625

1865 (Aug. 4) New York, N.Y. to Greifswald, Prussia, blue printed circular outer sheet at 2¢ printed matter rate prepaid by 2¢ black (73) tied by NYFM star cancel and black "Paid All" straightline handstamp, carried by Hapag Line Teutonia from New York Aug. 5th to Hamburg arriving Aug. 18th, reverse with Aug. 20th arrival backstamp, fresh and Very Fine, ex-Winter. Estimate $300 - 400.
Circular paid printed matter rate to Hamburg when the rate to Prussia via Hamburg was 3¢. Although underpaid by 1¢, circular allowed to go through since New York marked PAID ALL handstamp in black ink across adhesive.
Realized: $400

1867 (Nov. 16) New Orleans, La. to Bremen, Germany, printed circular bearing 2¢ black (73) cancelled by cork duplexed with partial "New Orleans La. Nov 16" cds, New York large red "1" (silbergroschen) handstamp credit to Bremen, carried by Hapag Line Hammonia II departing New York Nov. 23rd to Hamburg arriving Dec. 5th, Very Fine, ex-Winter. Estimate $400 - 600.
Prepaid the 2¢ printed matter rate to Hamburg when the rate via Hamburg to Bremen was 3¢. Although underpaid by 1¢, the circular was allowed to go through. Large "1" handstamp of New York, known in red and in black, applied as a result of late 1866/early 1867 negotiations with the Germans that established printed matter rates beyond the GAPU and set U.S. credits per item.
Realized: $475