1859 (Mar. 29) Philadelphia Pa. to Oberschwörstadt, Baden, cover bearing 5¢ red brown (28) and 10¢ green, type II (32), each tied by circular grid cancel, matching "Philadelphia Pa., Mar 10, 1859" octagon datestamp, red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 17' Apr 1" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Borussia from New York Apr. 1st to Hamburg arriving Apr. 14th, backstamps include Hamburg (4.15) transit and Grennet (4.17) transits; cover repaired with stamps lifted and replaced, 10¢ light stain, Very Fine appearance and rare 5¢ red brown type I 1857 issue use. Estimate $500 - 750.
The sender of this cover was aware of the reduction in the Bremen rate six months earlier and wrote "Bremen Steamer, Paid 15 cts." at left. That steamer, "Weser", was damaged at sea and not scheduled to carry mail on its April 2nd 1859 sailing. Despite prepayment of only 15¢, the New York exchange office sent it as a fully prepaid 22¢ letter on the Hamburg packet.

1859 (Jul. 15) New York N.Y. to Berlin, Prussia, orange buff cover bearing two 1¢ blue (24) singles, 3¢ dull red (26) and 10¢ green (35), faulty, each tied by New York F.M. circle grid cancel to Berlin, Prussia, red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 10' Jul 1" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Bavaria from New York Jul. 15th to Hamburg arriving Jul. 31st, reverse with Hamburg (7.31) transit and Berlin (8.1) arrival cds; cover creasing affects one 1¢, Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $230

1859 (Sep. 10) New Orleans La. to Suttgart, Württemberg, buff cover bearing 5¢ brown (29) vertical strip of three, scissor separation leaving full intact perfs all around, tied by two bold "New Orleans La. Sep 10, 1859" cds datestamps, red "N. York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 10' Oct 1" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Borussia from New York Oct. 1st to Hamburg arriving Oct. 16th, reverse with Hamburg (10.16) transit and Württemberg (10.17) arrival cds; light staining at bottom, otherwise Very Fine use at the 15¢ Bremen-Hamburg packet rate; with 1992 P.F. certificate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

1860 (Jun. 13) Chicago Ill. to Bühl, Baden, light buff cover bearing 1¢ blue (24) pair and 10¢ green (35) pair, positions 38-39R2, both scissor-separated causing some short perfs, tied by neat strikes of blue "Chicago Ills. Jun 13" double-circle datestamps, light strike of red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 10' Jun 15" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Saxonia from New York Jun. 15th to Hamburg arriving Jun. 30th, backstamps include Hamburg (6.30) and Bühl (7.1) arrival; some slight wear incl. one 1¢ affected by horizontal file fold at bottom, Fine and unusual franking, ex-Neinken, Wagshal; signed Ashbrook on reverse. Estimate $300 - 400.
The 22¢ rate via Bremen-Hamburg Mails was reduced to 15¢ in October 1859, so this is an overpayment of the old rate and corresponding credit of 17¢ reduced to 10¢.
Realized: $425

1860 (Jun. 25) Philadelphia Pa. to Stettin, Prussia (now Poland), orange cover bearing 10¢ green (35) horizontal strip of three with captured imprint at left, tied by "Philadelphia Pa., Jun 25, 1860" octagonal datestamps, partial strike of scarce red "N. York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 20' Jun 30" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Hammonia from New York Jun. 30th to Hamburg arriving Jul. 15th, Hamburg (7.15) arrival backstamp and matching neat "Franco" handstamp, Jul. 16th arrival backstamp; slightly reduced at left and some wear, left stamp small corner crease at lower left, the 20c credit marking is unusual, F.-V.F. and scarce double-weight use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400

1860 (Jul. 3) Providence R.I. to Zittau, Saxony, folded letter bearing 5¢ brick red (27), bright distinctive shade, and 10¢ green (35), tied by red "Paid" in circle cancels, matching "Providence R.I., Jul 3, 1860" cds, red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 10' Jul 16" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Bavaria from New York Jul. 16th to Hamburg arriving Jul. 31st, Hamburg (7.31) backstamp and "Franco" straightline, Aug. 2nd arrival backstamp; small stamp flaws, otherwise a Very Fine appearing use; with 2004 P.F. certificate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

1861 (Mar. 16) New York N.Y. to Bremen, cover bearing 10¢ green (35), tied by paint red circular grid cancel, red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt 'Paid 5' Apr 1" credit exchange cds and black "TOO LATE" straightline, carried by Hapag Line Teutonia from New York to Hamburg arriving Apr. 20th, Hamburg (4.21) transit backstamp and blue crayon "2" sgr due rating, red crayon "5" grote due, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
This cover was prepaid 10¢ for Bremen via NGL packet, but it was "Too Late" and sent via Hapag packet at the ordinary 15¢ rate. The extra 5¢ postage was due from addressee.
Realized: $675

1861 (May 4) New York, N.Y. to Schwerin, Mecklenburg, ligth buff cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) and 12¢ black (36B), each tied by red NYFM circular grid, matching "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 10' May 4" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Bavaria from New York May 4th to Hamburg arriving May 19th, Hamburg (5.19.61) arrival backstamp and blue ms. "fr" and "3" ratings, May 20th arrival backstamps, Very Fine used at the 15¢ Hamburg rate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

1861 (May 9) New Orleans, La., Confederate States of America to Limbach, Saxony, folded letter with partial "New Orleans La. May 9" cds and matching "30" unpaid rating handstamp for the Prussian Closed Mail rate, partial "N. York Hamb. Pkt. '5' May 18" debit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Line Hammonia from New York May 18th to Hamburg arriving Jun. 1st, Hamburg (6.1) backstamp and "6½" sbr. debit rating handstamp, Saxony blue manuscript "6 5/10" neugroschen due rating, Limbach (6.3) arrival backstamp, vertical file fold toning, Fine, a very scarce Confederate period transatlantic cover, ex-Winter. Estimate $400 - 600.
Letter originated in Confederate New Orleans during the brief period when Federal postal system allowed mails north from the Confederacy. New York elected to send letter in the Hamburg mails and debited Hamburg 5¢. Hamburg showed 6½ silbergroschen postage due, which Saxony changed in blue crayon to 6 5/10 neugroschen.
Realized: $1,000

1861 (Aug. 6) Marion, Ohio to Hamburg, cover bearing 10¢ green (35) tied by neat "Paid 3" in Circle cancel, matching "Marion, Ohio, Aug 6" cds, red "N.York, Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid 5' Aug 10" credit exchange cds, carried by Hapag Borussia from New York Aug. 10th to Hamburg arriving Aug. 25th, reverse with Hamburg (8.25.61) oval arrival, Very Fine and attractive use at the special 10¢ Direct rate to Hamburg. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $800