Great Britain, Stampless Covers, 1776-1800's, lot of 77 stampless folded letters; wide range of markings; for these - very nice condition. Estimate $400 - 600.
Current Opening Bid: $375
Great Britain, Accumulation, 50 year accumulation in 3 stock books; starting with 1840 and 7 Penny Blacks (6 singles and 1 cover), a nice PUC £1 used (#209), going through about 1950 plus a nice selection of Postage Dues; mostly used on Classics as always but condition, although mixed, is higher than normal with much nicer appearance than normal; Scott catalog value exceeds $145,000. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
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Realized: $6,000
Great Britain, Stock, 1840-1950's, several hundred on stock pages with good coverage to 1911 and a few offices abroad; includes #1 (7) one on cover, 2, 22(2), 26(3), 28(2), 34(2), 39, 42, 48, 55, 587 mint, 64(2), 69, 73, 85, 87, 95, 96(5), 102 mint, 103, 104(4), 105(3), 107(3), 108(2), 109, 137 mint, 138 mint, 139(4), 140(3), 173(2), 174, 180(7), 251 mint, 286-89 n.h., British Antarctic Terr. 1-15 n.h., 24 n.h., 25-38 mint; condition varies with much cat value, owner Scott cat $36,000+, please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $1,400
Great Britain, Collection, 1840-1993, in Scott album; starting with #1, classic material 1840-84 has a Scott catalog of $15,175 with condition about average and not bad looking; post-classic material very nice and pretty complete 1887-1984, o.g., some never hinged / some hinged. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250
Lot 3174 o
Great Britain, 1840-1940, a mint & used collection mounted on pages, which is predominantly used, includes singles, multiples and a few covers, noted items include five 1840 1d Black, one 1840 1d Black on cover, two 1840 2d Blue, a number of Imperforate & Perforated 1d Reds, 1870 ½d block of 4 mint (Plate 20, Cat. $1750), a no gum #43 (Plate 14), a mint #54 (Cat. $1200), a nice 1887-92 4½d single usage on registered cover to Belgium, 1900 1sh used block of 4 (Cat. $580), 1902-11 1sh KEVII (30 examples in blocks & singles, Cat. $40 each), Offices in Turkish Empire 40p on ½p Provisional surcharge on registered cover to Germany (genuine ?), mixed condition, please inspect.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $3,750
Great Britain, Collection, housed in Windsor album; starting from 1840 1d black on, somewhat sparse in early used issues with a section of 1858 1d red plate numbers, stronger in later QV's with some of the 1884 high values including 10sh, 1891 £1 green, later King issues with a few useful high values and Seahorses, QEII issue mostly mint in sets, little back-of-the-book; condition varies, inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425
Great Britain, Collection, 1841-61, 60 year accumulation of line engraved material, 100's of 1864 1d red but also includes 2d blues, imperfs, etc.; unchecked. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $575
Great Britain, QEII Commemorative & Definitive Holding, of one man's 60 year accumulation; 100's of complete nearly all never hinged sets; commemoratives includes better (noticed 2 x 1963 Red Cross phosphor sets); also includes booklets and coils, definitives include includes 1955 £1 (#312), 1959 1½d Graphite (355c), 1959 5sh to £1 De LaRue, etc.; also includes booklets, varieties, etc. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Great Britain, Accumulation, 60 year accumulation of nearly all KEVII, KGVI and early QEII issues; includes 1912 1d n.h. booklet pane (#160a), 1959 1½d n.h. Graphite (#355c), lots of Seahorses (Including #181, 1919 10sh Superb); sure to yield surprises. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $625
Great Britain, King George V Collection, 1911-1936, one album KGV issue mint and used, included are complete sets, printing varieties, shades, inverted watermarks, cylinder number singles, and a couple of covers, an interesting group for the specialist, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375