Worldwide, (Africa) Oran, Algeria to Mahon, Spain, folded letter datelined "Oran en el Campo a 2 de Nove, 1849", with "Oran, 3 Nov, 1849" origin cds and blue "4R" Spanish inland rate handstamp, transit backstamps and two vertical disinfection slits, letter with interesting contents… The dangers of Cholera in Oran are terrible. It has been calculated that 1 out of every 10 have died so that in 1½ months the death rate will be 3/4000. We are all terrified because it is so deadly and often we hear about the death of people of all ages and sexes and from the wealthiest classes who, the day before were in perfect health., Very Fine. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $350

Worldwide, (Asia) 1606 Constantinople, Turkey to Venice, Italy, folded letter datelined "Constantinop, 14. 8bre, 1606" addressed to one of the royal secretaries with contents requesting permission to hold outdoor mass from a portable pulpit, single vertical slit with red wafer seal applied over slit, light disinfection staining, Very Fine, a very early disinfection usage. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $475

Worldwide, (Asia) 1838 Calcutta, India to Bordeaux, France, folded letter sheet docketed "Calcutta le 12 Novembre 1838" with red "Calcutta, Steam Letter" boxed rating handstamp on reverse and red boxed "India" handstamp on front, transits including boxed "Indies Orein, Par, Alexandrie" and "Paquebots, De La, Mediterranne" handstamps, Alexandria transit and disinfected at Malta with "Purifie Au Lazaret, Malte" circular handstamp and two diagonal slits, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $850

Worldwide, (Asia) 1848 Manila, Philippines to Chalon sur Saone, France, folded letter datelined "Manila 8 April 1848" with "via China" alongside and endorsed "via Marseilles" on front, reverse with "Alexandria, Ju 9, 1848" transit cds and disinfected at Malta with "Purifie Au Lazaret, Malte" circular handstamp (without slits), red Marseilles transit cds and manuscript "17" decimes due, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $450

Worldwide, (Asia) 1850 Singapore to Gibraltar, folded letter datelined "Singapore 2 Setre, 1850" in care of agent at Gibraltar and endorsed "Via Suez" with "10" rating, reverse with "Alexandria, Oc 8, 1850" transit and blue "Gibraltar, Oc 19, 1850" cds, disinfected at Malta with indistinct "Purifie Au Lazaret, Malte" circular handstamp on reverse and two vertical slits, Very Fine, a scarce usage from Singapore (photo on web site). Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

Worldwide, (Asia) 1885 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, cover with purple circular "Office Sanitaire Djeddah, 1885" cachet handstamp of the Turkish Office of Sanitation and Disinfection on front of cover, reverse with partial strike due to backflap missing, otherwise Very Fine, extremely rare, this is one of three known covers all from this correspondence. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $375

Worldwide, (Europe) 1735 Galata, Turkey to Venice, Italy, folded letter datelined "28d obre, 1735 Galata", reverse with receiving docketing and red wax oval disinfection seal (Meyers type II), Very Fine, a very rare disinfection seal. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

Worldwide, (Europe) 1765 Albona, Dalmatia to Venice, Italy, folded letter from the mayor of Albona to the Counsel of Forty, with boxed "Lettere, Da Mare" handstamp and reverse with extremely rare "S" handstamp (Sanita), letter with interesting content in which the writer defends himself against accusations of corruption in the administration and consequent disorders and insurrection among the local populace, Extremely Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525

Worldwide, (Europe) 1806 Antequera to Valencia, Spain, folded letter datelined "Antequera, 30 Junio de 1806" with red oval "Antequera, Andalucia Alta" handstamp and red "11" rate handstamp, singular horizontal slit and disinfection stains at edges, letter from young man to his uncle and aunt with interesting content…I cannot avoid having to tell you of the great affliction in which I find myself…I find myself alone with my brothers in Archidona not being able to communications have been cut and apart from four Officials, no one is allowed to enter., Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

Worldwide, (Europe) 1819 Ancona, Italy to Oporto, Portugal, folded letter datelined "Ancona 4th March, 1819", with straight line "Genova" and "18 Mai" handstamps, reverse with fancy oval "Sanita Aritima Di Ancona" cachet handstamp and script "Acona Santia, Nenofouri e dentro" two line handstamp below, letter in English with interesting content…I am sorry to find that they have put us under seven days quarantine as the Solomon (ship) was not mentioned on the Bill of Health when the Newfoundland Certificate was Inducted., Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250