Lot 973
(TransA - Havre) 1850 (Sep. 28) Madison, Wisc. to Nantes, France, blue folded letter sent privately to New York, entered mails with red "New-York, Oct 3" cds and pencil "24" cent prepaid rating for up to ½ oz. direct service to France via Havre line, carried as endorsed by Havre Line Franklin from New York Oct. 5th to Havre arriving Oct. 18th, bold red "Outre-Mer, Le Havre, 13 Oct. 50" double-circle entry and large "6" décimes, Nantes (10.20) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, Carried on the maiden voyage of the Havre Line Franklin, the first transatlantic crossing of the line.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $290
Lot 974
(TransA - Havre) 1853 (Jun. 1) San Francisco, Cal. to Glasgow, Scotland via Adams Express, blue linen-lined Gibbs correspondence cover endorsed "per Str 'California' to Panama thence via N. York" and "p. Adams Cos. Express to be Mailed in N. York", carried out of mails by PMSS California from San Francisco Jun. 1st to Panama arriving Jun. 16th, then USMSC Georgia from Aspinwall Jun. 19th to New York arriving Jun. 29th, entered mails with black "New-York Am. Pkt. Jul 2" debit exchange cds and manuscript "84" rating for four-times the 21¢ rate, carried transatlantic by Havre Line Humboldt from New York Jul. 2nd to Southampton arriving Jul. 13th, red London (7.14.1853) transit back stamp and "4" shilling rating for the quadruple rate, Glasgow (7.14) arrival backstamp, Very Fine; signed Frajola.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Lot 975
(TransA - Havre) 1853 (Jul. 6, c.) Europe to New York N.Y., orange buff cover carried privately by Havre Line Franklin from Havre Jul. 6th to New York arriving Jul 19th, bold strike of "N. York Am. Pkt. '40' Jul 19" debit exchange cds (Winter 16) for double the 20¢ rate, docketed as received Jul. 19th 1853, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
The "N. York Am. Pkt. '40' " debit cds (Winter 16) is recorded for only about a month from Jul. 19th to Aug. 16th 1853.
Realized: $170
Lot 976
(TransA - Havre) "Nashville" Eastbound Voyages, 1853 (Dec. 16) San Francisco Cal. to Cognac, France, gray folded letter with "San Francisco Cal., Dec 16" cds and matching "Paid 26" straightline rating handstamp, additional red crayon "26" rating, endorsed "Via Panama & New-York", carried by PMSS Golden Gate Dec. 16th to Panama arriving Dec. 28th, across the Isthmus and placed on US Mail George Law from Aspinwall Dec. 30th to New York arriving Jan. 9th, red "New York Am. Packet, Jan 14" exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Nashville from New York Jan. 16th to Havre arriving Feb. 3rd, red Le Havre (2.3) entry cds and manuscript "12" décimes double-weight rating handstamp, Cognac (2.5) arrival cds, Carried on the maiden voyage of the Nashville for the Havre Line1854 (Mar. 8) Havana, Cuba to Paris, France via New York, folded letter carried privately to New York, blue "Lille & Rasines" forwarding agent cachet, red "New York Am. Packet. Mar 14" exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Nashville from New York Mar. 14th to Havre arriving Mar. 28th, red "Outre-Mer Le Havre" (3.28) entry cds and Paris (3.28) arrival backstamp, manuscript "6" décimes due rating, This letter was carried on the second voyage., Very Fine pair carried on the two voyages of the "Nashville" for the Havre Line.
Estimate $300 - 400.
The steamer "Nashville" was chartered for only two round voyages after the loss of "Humboldt" that was wrecked on the Sisters Rocks in dense fog on Dec. 6th.
Realized: $300
Lot 977
(TransA - Havre) 1854 (Jun. 6) London, England to Baltimore, Md., folded letter with red London Paid (6.6) cds and red manuscript "1/-" shilling packet rating, red "21/cents" credit rating handstamp, carried by Havre Line Union from Southampton Jun. 7th to New York arriving Jun. 23rd, red "Am. Packet, Paid 24, Jun 24" exchange credit cds, Very Fine, Letter was carried on maiden return voyage of the Havre Line Union, ex-Winter.Estimate $300 - 400.
British mails were picked up and discharged off Cowes, Isle of Wight, in the Solent near Southampton. London applied 21¢ credit marking.
Realized: $210
Lot 978
(TransA - Havre) 1856 (May 26) Havre, France to Big Flatts N.Y., cover bearing France 1853-54, 10c. and 20c. (14, 15), each four margins, prepaying the 30c. outgoing ship letter fee, tied by "1495" lozenge cancels, Havre (5.26) cds with framed "P.P." handstamp, carried by Havre Line Arago from Havre Jun. 4th to New York arriving Jun. 17th, partial New York 20¢ due cds, Big Flatts manuscript "Due 20" due rating, Very Fine and attractive, ex-Winter.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140
Lot 979
(TransA - Havre) 1858 (Jul. 23) Cape Island N.J. to London, England, blue folded letter bearing 12¢ black (36) horizontal pair, s.e. at left, tied by "Cape Island N.J., Jul 23" cds, New York red "3" cent credit handstamp to G.B., carried as endorsed by Havre Line Fulton from New York Jul. 24th to Southampton arriving Aug. 5th, red London Paid (8.6.58) arrival cds, Very Fine.Scott $850 pair on cover Estimate $300 - 400.
"Fulton" joined the Havre Line in February 1856 and she ran virtually every other month with "Arago" through 1866 and in 1867 as well.
Realized: $260
Lot 980
(TransA - Havre) 1860 (Nov. 24) New Orleans, La. to Brugg, Switzerland, printed circular sent in French mails at the newspaper rate prepaid by 1¢ blue (24) horizontal pair, tied by "New Orleans La. Nov 24, 1860" cds, carried by Havre Line Arago from New York Dec. 8th to Havre arriving Dec. 22nd, blue Havre (12.22) entry cds, Brugg (12.24) arrival backstamp and Swiss red crayon "15" rappen due rating for mail sent direct to France, Extremely Fine and choice use, ex-Winter.Estimate $300 - 400.
Printed circulars to Switzerland, transported directly to France, were charged 15 rappen in Switzerland, while those sent via England required 20 rappen. The former are very uncommon. Swiss marked the postage due of 15 rappen, as they usually did, in red pencil in the center of the cover.
Realized: $475