Lot 624 P
Serbia, 1869, Prince Milan, black die proof, master die proof without denomination, on white semi-glazed card (67x108mm), Very Fine and choice, a rare master die proof; signed S. Ostojic. Scott No. 16E.Michel No. 11E Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $425

Lot 625 o
Serbia, 1869, Prince Milan, 10pa brown, perf 9½x12, showing double perfs at bottom, neat town cancel, choice centering, Extremely Fine, a very rare variety.Michel No. 12 I C Estimate $150 - 200.

Serbia, 1869, Prince Milan, 10pa brown, perf 9½, horizontal pair, imperf between, in combination with 1869, 40pa dark purple, perf 9½x12, vertical pair (17 I C) on 1872 folded letter sheet to Kragujevac, all tied by blue "Valjevo, 3/11" cds's, reverse with clear receiving cds and matching boxed Naplaceno handstamp, Very Fine and choice, illustrated in Rasic Postal History and Postage Stamps of Serbia (page 77), accompanied by cover from correspondence with matching regular perforation franking. Michel No. 12 I UMs Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $650

Serbia, 1872, Prince Milan, 10pa brown, perf 12, horizontal pair, in combination with 1869, 40ps dark purple, perf 9½x12, horizontal pair (17 I C) on 1875 folded letter to Kragujevac, tied by Belgrade cds's; some minor toning around perfs, F.-V.F. Michel No. 12 II A Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

Serbia, 1874, Prince Milan, 10pa yellowish brown, perf 12, in combination with 1874, 20pa gray blue, perf 12 (14 III Aa) on corner card cover to Vienna, Austria, tied by "Belgrade, 3 Oct, 1876" cds, receiving backstamp; cover file fold, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce third issue franking. Michel No. 12 III A Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

Lot 629 o
Serbia, 1876, Prince Milan, 10pa, 20pa & 40pa, perf 9½x12, town cancels, strong bright colors, F.-V.F., a scarce 4th issue perforation set.Michel No. 12-17 IV C €1,700 ($1,890).
Realized: $350

Lot 630 o
Serbia, 1876, Prince Milan, 10pa red brown, perf 12x9½, blue town cancel, rich color, F.-V.F.Michel No. 12 IV D €900 ($1,000).
Realized: $260

Lot 631 o
Serbia, 1872, Prince Milan, 20pa blue, perf 9½, vertical pair, imperf between, central Belgrade town cancel, strong color and well centered, Very Fine and choice, very scarce.Michel No. 14 II B var. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

Serbia, 1872, Prince Milan, 20pa gray blue, perf 9½ three sides, perf 12 below, tied by oval Naplaceno handstamp of Sabac on February 19, 1874 folded letter to Lesnica; cover with folds and slight soling, stamp with corner wrinkle at bottom left corner, F.-V.F. appearance, an extremely rare combination perforation variety on cover, variety mentioned in Rasic. Michel No. 14 II D var. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

Serbia, 1876, Prince Milan, 20pa ultramarine, perf 9½x12, o.g., hinge remnant, well centered amid wide margins, deep color, Very Fine and choice, an extremely rare mint stamp, listed but unpriced in Michel (cat 700€ for used). Michel No. 14 IV C Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500