Lot 45
Worldwide, Silver Box Balance, 13 sterling stamp boxes; various styles from single to multiple compartment boxes, one with tortoiseshell lid, two coil roll dispensers; attractive group.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $900

Lot 46
Worldwide, Silver Box Balance, of 12 items, mostly sterling; includes a number of monogram lid boxes, "U.S. Mail" including one shaped as mail box, coil roll dispenser with poodle figure on lid, inkwell combination, ornate desk set missing ink well, etc.Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $500

Lot 47
Worldwide, Silver Case Balance, 26 sterling cases; various styles including many envelope designs with enamel stamp, U.S. stamp designs, "Stamps" logo, 23 stamp cases and three match cases; attractive group.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $1,050

Lot 48
Worldwide, Silver Case Balance, of 30 sterling and silver plated cases; wide variety of designs including letter and postcard designs, one with enamel stamp, Columbian Exposition, "U.S. Mail" mail bag, 1883 2¢ Banknote stamp, ball clasp purse, eagle and four leaf clover motifs, advertising, etc.; some wear on several but an excellent range of designs, some duplication.Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $800

Lot 49
Worldwide, Silver Floral Cases, 7 different sterling floral embellished silver cases, most with raised female and/or cherub designs, all side top opening and single compartments.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500

Lot 50
Worldwide, Bronze and Brass Box Balance, of 7 boxes; includes four bronze Arts & Craft style boxes, three with sterling silver inlay, similar brass box and on brass match case with enamel top; attractive group.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525

Lot 51
Worldwide, Brass Box Balance, of 17 boxes; nice range of styles and designs including art nouveau, arts and crafts, Indian, dog and mouse motifs, various floral and scroll designs including wooden inlay top, three China enamel, modern pattern top design with matching clip calendar, etc.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

Lot 52
Worldwide, Wooden Box Balance, of 26 boxes; wide range of styles including four different U.S. tourist boxes with various views on lid, three Swiss hand carved tourist boxes, leather wrapped, Tunbridgeware, folk art with boxer dog holding letter in mouth, inkwell combination, coil roll dispensers, couple hand-painted lids and a few papier-mâché items.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $375

Lot 53
Worldwide, Porcelain Stamp Box Balance, of 9 items each with pull off lid; two coil roll dispensers and balance for single stamps, range of multicolored designs and embellishments, one Dresden pottery item and two Japanese made.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

Lot 54
Worldwide, Stamp Box & Case Balance, of 13 items; includes tortoiseshell box, 6 Tartanware & Tunbridge wood boxes, porcelain box, papier-mâché box, two silver desk sets and a gold plated sterling match case; diverse group.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $550