Lot 386
China, Customs, Chefoo, Aug 12, 87, receiving cds on U.S. 1886, 1¢ Jefferson postal card (UX9) to Shanghai and forwarded, canceled by "Chicago, Ill., Jun 25, 87" duplex postmark with "Due", "T" in circle and "5" rate handstamps alongside, S.F. and Yokohama transits, forwarded with partial blue "Shanghai Local Post" cds, Very Fine, a very rare U.S. Postal Card usage to Chefoo.Estimate $250 - 350.
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Realized: $750
Lot 387
China, Customs, Chinkiang, Apr 19, 1897, origin cds on cover to Due West, S.C., sent through the Japanese P.O. with "Shanghai, I.J.P.O., 23 Apr, 97" cds tying Japan 1877, 10s blue, reverse with "Customs Shanghai", Yokohama, S.F. transits and receiving cds's; cover edge wear, tear at top and rough opening at right, F.-V.F.Estimate $250 - 350.
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Realized: $475
Lot 388
China, Hangchow, 16 Feb, 99, dollar arrival cds on incoming Russian post card to the Japanese Consulate in Hangchow, franked with Russia 1889, 4k rose tied by "St. Petersburg, 28 XII, 98" cds's, manuscript "via Marseille and Shanghai" routing with "Singapore, To Hong Kong, 30 Ja, 99" marine sorter cds on reverse, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $2,700
Lot 389
China, 1900, Chinese Imperial Post, unwatermarked, 1¢ ocher, tied by "Shanghai, 5 May, 08" cds's on "Shanghai - German Consulate" picture post card addressed to the S.M.S. Kaiser Franz Josef I at Ching-Wan-Tao, forwarded three times and finally to Tsuruga, Japan with numerous transit postmarks including British and Japanese P.O.'s in Shanghai, Very Fine, an interesting usage bearing four different Shanghai postmarks.Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $400
Lot 390
China, 1900, Chinese Imperial Post, unwatermarked, 2¢ scarlet, diagonal bisect, lower right portion of stamp tied by neat cds on locally addressed cover to Customs in Chungking, Very Fine; signed Samuel Ray.Scott No. 112 var. Estimate $400 - 600.
Lot 391
China, 1900, Chinese Imperial Post, unwatermarked, 10¢ deep green, in combination with 1900, 4¢ orange brown on registered post card to Charleroi, Belgium, tied by "Tanoshan, 18 May, 06" cds's, matching registry handstamp below, with "Shang-Hai, Chine" French P.O. and "Yokohama A Marseille" ship date stamps, Very Fine, a scarce registered post card usage.Scott No. 116+113 Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $450
Lot 392
China, 1940, 50¢ dark blue, on 1941 cover to the British Museum in London, England from Ingtai, Foochow, rare routing through Tihwa (Urumtsi), Sinkiang with purple transit cds and Russian boxed censor handstamp on reverse, with two different censor type tapes, F.-V.F.Scott No. 386 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $2,900
Lot 393
Foreign Offices in China, Tien-Tsin, Chine, Poste Française, 28 Dec, 07, two strikes of cds with one tying France 1904, 15c "F.M." Military on cover to Pontivy, France, with manuscript "Via Siberia" routing endorsement, reverse with brigade cachet handstamp and receiving cds, Very Fine, a very rare usage of a Military franchise issue in the French Office in Tienstin. Maury No. 3.Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $270
Lot 394
French Offices in China, 1894, 10c black on lavender, on post card to Austria with message side datelined "Nanking 21 Oct, 1899", initially tied by solely by bold boxed "I.P.O." tie-print handstamp of Nanking, sent to Shanghai and entered the mails with "Shang-Hai, Chine, 23 Oct, 99" cds tying, Very Fine and choice, an extremely rare example of a French Offices in China issue tied by the Nanking tie-print and quite possibly unique; with 1895 R. Steuer attest.Scott No. 3 Estimate $300 - 400.
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Realized: $2,700
Lot 395
German Offices in China, 1889, 20pf Blue, vertical pair with selvage at bottom, tied by "Tientsin, Kaiserl. Deutsche Postagentur, 10/4 94" cds on 1894 registered cover to Boston Mass., violet "Astor House Hotel" handstamp at top left, Tientsin registry label at top center, I.J.P.O. Shanghai (4.21) and Yokohama (4.26) datestamps, reverse with purple San Francisco (5.21) transit and Boston (5.27) arrival cds, Very Fine.Scott No. 49c Estimate $500 - 750.
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Realized: $575