Lot 344 S
New Zealand, Presentation & Official Reprints, collection of 64 stamps; Presentation issues with "Wellington" circular handstamp (set of 5, 4d with "T" of "TH Sauders" watermark), violet medium size "Specimen" sans-serif issue with a set of 10 (5 imperf and 5 perf values), violet small size "Specimen" sans-serif set (5 values in pairs), blue medium size "Specimen" sans-serif (set of 3), red small size "Specimen" sans-serif set of 9 (3 imperf and 6 perf issues), violet medium size Specimen serifed sets (two sets of 6), and a group of 1884 1d, 2d & 6d Official reprints including strip of three, generally F.-V.F., a scarce assembly.Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
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Realized: $5,500
New Zealand, 1855-73 Re-entries, Flaws & Plate Varieties, exceptional exhibition collection of approximately 210 stamps, nine covers and a couple reprint proof blocks, replete with re-entries and other varieties resulting from flaws and later plate damage to the plates (some of which were used for 18 years), study excludes the 2d plate II plate damage; with highlights including four margin mint 1862 1d orange vermilion (S.G. 33) showing re-entry (R5/9) and a 1d vermilion used pair (S.G. 34, R5/9-10) with scarce "Queen's Redoubt" barred oval cancel, spectacular 1d double re-entry (R11/3) on used 1858 Richardson (8) and mint Davies print in orange vermilion (33) and vermilion (34) shades, strong 1d re-entry (R19/3) on 1855 Richardson (4), 1858 Richardson with central pre-printing paper fold (8), 1862 Davies (34) and later perf issue, 2d varieties with used 1856 Richardson and 1858 Richardson strip (R8/11) and later perf issues including on cover, 2d frame recut (R10/5) on 1858 Richardson strip of three on cover on England, section of 2d plate II flaws, 3d with mint 1865 perf 12½ faulty impression transfer (R4/2) and a nice mourning cover usage plate variety, 6d issues with a couple nice 1861 Richardson chestnut issues (15) and other good issues including pairs, used 1sh represented by strong re-entry (R1/5) on 1862 Davies (two in shades), 1864 NZ imperf (two in shades) and in a 1864-71 perf 12½ watermark star block of four; condition well above the norm for these difficult plate varieties, S.G. catalog in excess of £37,800 not including proofs and on cover premium. Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.
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Realized: $7,250
Lot 346 o
New Zealand, 1857-63 Richardson Print Issues, balance of 35 stamps; includes two 1d singles, one appears unused and other with 18 barred oval of Otago, thirteen 2d issues including a couple deep blue shades, other shades including two strips of three, single with interesting dry print, etc., seventeen 6d issues with a nice range of shades includes a chestnut and a couple pairs and a strip of three on piece, 1sh with a dull emerald green and two blue green issues; condition varies with many four margin examples.SG No. 8//17; £15,330 ($19,930) Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $1,300
New Zealand, 1857-64 Richardson and Davies Issues on Cover, group of 10 covers and three partial covers; Richardson print issues including 2d single usages 1862 Christchurch to Nelson and 1859 Auckland to Wellington, also two single 6d usages to London (one on part cover), later Davies issues with four 2d single usages including 1864 cover from Waipawa, and 6d usages including 1863 cover to London and a 2d+6d combination on 1863 legal size cover Nelson to Auckland; condition varies, F.-V.F. overall. SG No. 10//43 Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $900
New Zealand, 1862-64 Davies Print Issues, balance of 76 stamps mostly used (one unused); includes five 1d issues in major shades including unused 1d carmine vermilion, 32 2d issues with thee slate blue shades, selection of deep blue shades and worn plate shades including early, moderate and advance wear items, includes a couple pairs and marginal singles, five 3d issues with shades, 24 6d issues with fifteen single ranging in the black brown to brown shades, and nine red brown issues including a scarce chocolate brown shade, and six 1sh singles in the yellow and deep green shades; condition varies with many four margin examples throughout. Scott Nos. 34//46; $13,825 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $3,750
Lot 349 o
New Zealand, 1862-64 Perforated 13 at Dunedin & Pelure Issues, balance of 39 stamps; Perf'd 13 at Dunedin issues with 1d orange vermilion & carmine vermilion shades, 2d issues in the wide range of shades and various states of plate wear, including a couple pairs and various items plated, three 3d issues, 6d include brown & red brown issues and a 1sh yellow green, Pelure issue with two 6d issues, group includes five covers (not including in S.G. catalog) including perf'd 13 2d single usages, 6d red brown single usages, 6d black brown in combination with 2d singles Dunstan to England, and a rare 1sh pelure usage front to England; condition varies.Scott Nos. 68//86; $6,090+ Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $1,050
Lot 350 o
New Zealand, 1864-73, 2d Issue Balance, of over 210 stamps neatly arranged on stock pages, approximately 80 1d vermilion issues and balance 1d blue; 1d vermilion with a nice range of issues including five "NZ" watermark issues including pair, an array of cancellations including large fancy "W" of Waimea (Goldborough), barred "O4" of Palmerston, O37 of Mount Ida (Nasby) and O32 of Kawarau (Cromwell), 1d blue issues including five strips of three (one with double vertical perfs) and several pairs, cancels with manuscript "K" of Kowai, "Y" of Yaldhurst on pair and "OK" of Okarita, barred "O23" of Dunstan, etc.; condition varied, generally F.-V.F.SG No. 110//141 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $2,900
New Zealand, 1864-71 Large Star Watermark Issues, balance of over 125 stamps; includes 1d issues with shades including unused bright orange (re-entry R 19/3) and a double perf dull orange unused, various multiples including a reconstructed strip of six in the orange shade, 2d issues with plate I issues with mint including three singles in shades, a strip of three and a proof pair, used with mis-perf'd pair and a scarce block of four, used 2d plate II issues with the range of shades, two blocks of four and two R. 18/7 stamps showing pre-retouch and post-retouch as well as the 1913 reprint proof, 3d with lilac shades mostly mint and mauve shades used, similar 4d & 6d issues with shades and a 6d red brown block x2 used, nineteen 1sh values in the range of shades and cancels, etc.; condition varies with overall well above the norm. SG Nos. 110//125; £11,018+ ($14,320) Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $2,400
New Zealand, 1864-71 Large Watermark Perforated Issues on Cover, group of 45 covers; includes nine 1d covers with four pair/two single usages, strip of three use, strip of five and two singles use and two in combination with 2d issue, eighteen 2d covers, thirteen are single usages with a nice range of shades and plate wear, including usage from Waikouaiti, Greytown and Marton, one with rare "Late Fee" handstamp (cover missing 1sh), five 3d covers with lilac to mauve shades with three internal single usages and two to England (one with pair and other with strip), twelve 6d covers with eight solo usages to G.B. and U.S., and four multiple/combination cover mostly to G.B., and a solo 1s usage to London via Panama; condition varied, F.-V.F. overall. SG No. 110//125 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $3,500
New Zealand, 1864 NZ Watermark Issues, balance of 61 stamps; includes imperforate issues with ten used 1d issues (mostly four margins) including four different re-entries (R 5/9, 11/3, 14/12 & 18/5), eight 2d singles including barred "Headquarters" oval and "Province of Auckland, 2" town cancels, and seven 1sh values in shades from deep green to bright yellow green, nice showing of 2d & 6d perf'd issues including a few mint and 12½ double perf varieties for both values, and a well centered 1sh perf'd 13 issue (S.G. 106); some small flaws with condition above the norm overall. SG Nos. 97//108; £11,460+ ($14,900) Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $5,250