Lot 2411
Confederacy, Confederate States of America, War Department, semi-official imprint on legal-size cover bearing 5¢ olive green, stone 1 (1), margins to in at bottom, tied by partial "Richmond Va., Jan 1, 1862" cds, addressed to Col. T.J. Wathen, 2th Georgia Regt., Manassas Va. original matching letterhead enclosure signed by A.T. Beldsoe acknowledging the receipt of a promotion certificate for B.H. Brantley as 2nd Lieut. of Company H; small cover at right, Very Fine.C.S.A. Catalog No. WD-01 Estimate $400 - 600.
C.S.A. troop strength was steadily increased after July 21, 1861 as was the case with the 28th Georgia Regiment. A.T. Bledsoe was the Chief of Bureau for the War Department at Richmond (note Montgomery crossed out as first capital city).
Realized: $625
Lot 2412
Confederacy, Confederate States, Head Quarters, Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, Official Business, official imprint on blue cover bearing 10¢ blue (12), huge margins, some creases mostly in margins, tied by "Charleston S.C. Oct 17, 186" cds to Lieut. Col. A.L. Reves, Acting Chief Engineer Bureau, Richmond Va., Extremely Fine.C.S.A. Catalog No. WD-ZA-23; $750 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240
Lot 2413
Confederacy, Head Quarters, 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac, C.S.A., semi-official imprint crossed out on orange cover endorsed "L. Bamsley, Co. A, 8 Ga. Vol" with "Richmond Va., May 3,1862" cds and "Due 10" straightline rating to Kingston Ga.; flap tear, Very Fine.C.S.A. Catalog No. WD-ZD-08; $500 Estimate $300 - 400.
The Army of the Potomac designation occurred June 2, 1861 when Beauregard took command at Manassas with his 6 brigades being the first corps. Johnston's Army of the Shenandoah with his 4 brigades became the Second Corps of the Army of the Potomac after his arrival July 20, 1861. This cover was sent after the Army had abandoned Manassas for the Peninsula just before the Army of the Potomac became the legendary Army of Northern Virginia when R.E. Lee took command on June 1, 1861.
Francis S. Bartow, was Captain of the Oglethorpe Rifles, an infantry company in Savannah. A detail from this volunteer unit captured Ft. Pulaski and the company became part of the 8th Georgia. Bartow was elected the regiment's Colonel and joined Johnston's Army of the Shenandoah. He was killed leading the 2nd Brigade at 1st Bull Run on July 21, 1861.
Realized: $230
Lot 2414
Confederacy, "Official Business, W.B.b. Cain, Maj. & C.S.", semi-official endorsement on legal-size orange cover with "Tudor Hall Va., Oct 12, 1861" and matching bold "Paid 5" rating handstamp to Jno. M. Orr. Actg. A. c.s. 7th Brig. 1st Corps at Leesburg Va.; original enclosure copy of letter datelined "Office of Principal C.S., Camp Perkins Oct 11/61" concerning service of persons not regularly appointed filling positions of responsibility, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170
Lot 2415
Confederacy, Ordnance Bureau, semi-official imprint on yellow legal-size cover addressed to "Col. John Cunningham, Commanding late U.S. Arsenal, Cannonsboro", pencil March 26, 1861 docketing at left, Very Fine and scarce, ex-Calhoun.Estimate $500 - 750.
Confederate forces had seized the U.S. Arsenal and were preparing for the bombardment of Fort Sumter, this was hand-carried military mail to the arsenal.