Stait's Despatch Post/2/Adams Exp'ss/48 S. 3d St., red integral-rate handstamp clearly struck on folded cover to local Philadelphia address, letter that no longer accompanies was from Mount Holly dated Feb. 14th 1851, Very Fine, ex-Kuphal. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160
Specl. Messgr. from Eagle Post, 80 Chestnut St., red circular handstamp and large "Paid" handstamp on Penn. Rail Road Co. notice for a meeting on Mar. 26th 1850, Very Fine, ex-Kuphal. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $130
Forwarded by American Mail Co., From No. 109 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., choice strike of red circular handstamp on 1844 folded letter from the Merriam correspondence to Springfield Mass. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120
American Mail Co., Philadelphia, group of 7 stampless covers including three with "Forwarded by American Mail Co., Philadelphia" circular handstamps, each with different rating of manuscript "6" rating, red "Paid" handstamp, New York "Collect" box, and four with Philadelphia red circular datestamps comprising "Collect and large "6" rating handstamps, one with New York oval and "collect" box, and one with two strikes of New York "collect" box and double rating of ms. "12½", Very Fine and scarce group. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $400
Blood & Co., 1845 (2¢) black, large margins all around, faint gum toning, small manuscript "X" cancellation as often seen, used on 1847 folded cover to local merchant, April 14, 1847 receipt docketing, Very Fine and choice Striding Messenger cover, ex-Vernon R. Morris Jr.; with 1998 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 15L5; $800 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700
Blood & Co., 1855 (1¢) black, four margins, tied by "Blood's Penny Post, May 21, 1858" double-circle datestamp, matching strike adjacent on embossed lady's envelope to local street address, Very Fine and pretty. Scott No. 15L18 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60