Philadelphia Pre-1792 Transatlantic Mail, group of 7 covers comprising 1713/14 Philadelphia to Liverpool carried by HMS Hector with London "24/AV" Bishop mark and ms. "In All 1N5" rating, 1750 London to Philadelphia carried privately by Ship "Carolina", 1764 Exeter, England to Philadelphia by packet with "Exeter" and "New/York" backstamps; 1772 Barbados to Philadelphia by private ship, 1785 Philadelphia to Poole, England by private ship "Hendrick" with "London/Ship Lre" two-line handstamp; and 1785 London to Philadelphia by Falmouth packet "Greyhound" with "Paid Paid" in circle handstamp, Very Fine and scarce group. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

1772-1846, Philadelphia Pre-Treaty Foreign Mails, stampless exhibit balance of 20 covers mounted on exhibit pages, including 1772 letter to Thomas Penn in England forwarded to Windsor from London, 1772 Exeter to Philadelphia by Falmouth packet, 1788 Portugal to Philadelphia with London "Post/Paid" in circle handstamp by Falmouth packet; 1798 Philadelphia to Whitby G.B. by Falmouth packet (Post-War Packets are Scarce), 1795 Richmond to Philadelphia by packet to Halifax and then private ship to Boston; 1799 Hamburg, Germany via Falmouth packet, 1804 Jamaica via red "Balte. Md. Apr 20" cds and "Ship" handstamp; 1801 Nassau via Charleston with Philadelphia "6" in circle rating, 1803 Hull via Cadiz and Havana to Philadelphia with larger "6" in circle rating handstamp; 1824 Richmond to Philadelphia by packet but New York erred in not charging inland postage; 1841 Philadelphia to Edinburgh with red Philadelphia Harndens circular handstamp; 1842 Philadelphia to France with red Philadelphia Harndens circular handstamp; and 1846 Ghent, Belgium to Philadelphia with blue "12" in lined circle rating handstamp; etc., excellent condition, Very Fine and interesting exhibit balance. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
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Realized: $1,600

1793-1845, Philadelphia Incoming Ship and Steamship Mail, group of 19 from 1793 to June 1845 with various ship ratings and handstamps, including 1793 Lisbon to Providence with "27 MR" Franklin mark and "Sh 44" rating, 1793 inbound via ship "Mohawk" with "4" rating handstamp (13 known); 1795 Cadiz, Spain to Philadelphia with "F, Cadiaz" framed postmark, 1798 Rotterdam to Newburyport with small "Ship" handstamp, 1801 Amsterdam to Baltimore with small "Ship", etc. Estimate $500 - 750.
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1796-1845 Philadelphia Outgoing Ship Mail, group of 13 covers including 1796 London to Portsmouth N.H. with "28 OC" Franklin mark and ms. "26" rating, 1809 London to Philadelphia by Falmouth packet, 1823 Philadelphia to Antwerp via Liverpool, 1830 and 1831 Philadelphia to London by Cope Line "Monongahela", 1834 "Doylestn. Pa." cds to Yorkshire, England by Cope Line "Monongahela", 1841 Philadelphia to Heath by Cope Line "T.D. Cope", 1845 Philadelphia to Haarlem, Holland with blue "10" in double-circle rating, etc., F.-V.F. and scarce group. Estimate $400 - 600.
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Realized: $325

1801-1839, Ship Letters to Philadelphia landed at Other Ports, group of 9 comprising 1801 Amsterdam via New York clamshell datestamp and ms. "Sh 14½", 1803 Amsterdam via New Castle Del. ms. "Sh", 1806 Liverpool via New York "Ship", 1818 Havana via New Castle Del. "Ship" h.s., 1824 Switzerland via New York "Ship", 1829 Le Havre, France via New York "Ship", 1830 Havana, Cuba via Charleston "Ship", 1832 St. Kitts via New Haven with "Ship" handstamp in shape of ship's hull; and 1839 Havana via New York, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $300

1825-1840, Philadelphia Foreign Mails Carried by New York Sailing "Packets", group of 7 covers mounted on exhibit pages comprising 1825 Philadelphia to London by Blue Swallowtail Line Cortes; 1836 Philadelphia to London by Black Ball Line England; 1835 Philadelphia to London by Red Star Line Virginian, 1836 Philadelphia to London by Red Swallowtail Line Gladiator; 1840 Glasgow to Philadelphia by Dramatic Line Sheridan; 1835 Philadelphia to London by Black X Line Montreal with New York red "TOO LATE" straightline; and 1838 London to Philadelphia by Black X Line Philadelphia with New York red "2nd Delivery" straightline; an excellent exhibit group in outstanding condition, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475

1845-GPU, Philadelphia Incoming Ship and Steamship Mail, group of 22 from July 1845 to GPU including 1845 from Rio de Janeiro via Philadelphia "Ship 7" to Baltimore, 1845 Jamaica to Salem N.C. via Philadelphia "Ship" and "12" double-circle rating h.s.; 1847 Liverpool to Philadelphia privately with blue cds with attached "2" drop rating, 1847 Havana to London with Philadelphia "Ship" "7" and red "Forwd. By T.W. Ward, Boston" oval, 1848 Rotterdam to Philadelphia with "12" double-circle; 1861 San Juan to New York with Philadelphia "Ship 5", 1867 Philadelphia "Steam Ship 10" in circle rating, 1874 Caracas to New York with Philadelphia "Ship, Due, 6" in circle rating, etc., Very Fine group. Estimate $500 - 750.
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1849-1877 Philadelphia Treaty Mails, group of 46 covers mostly stampless and a few inbound with foreign frankings, noted 1849 Rotterdam to Philadelphia via Cunard "Niagara", 1850 Philadelphia to England with crude "24" rating handstamp via Cunard "Europa", 1851 Philadelphia to Paris with red "Phila. 5Cts. Paid" octagon datestamp, 1851 Philadelphia to Liverpool forwarded to Italy with red "Phila, 24 Cts. Paid" octagon rating handstamp via Cunard "Europa", 1852 Rotterdam to Philadelphia by Collins "Atlantic" with Philadelphia blue "5" due handstamp, 1853 Philadelphia to England with "Paid 24" rating handstamps, several Philadelphia blue "24" rating handstamp uses, 1857 Liverpool to Philadelphia with G.B. 1s green embossed cut-to-shape, 1867 London to Philadelphia with G.B. 1s green via Cunard "Persia", 1873 Paris to Philadelphia with France 40c orange strip via Cunard "Java", 1877 Liverpool to Philadelphia printed circular with G.B. 1d red, many better usages, F.-V.F. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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1849-1878, Philadelphia Treaty Foreign Mails, exhibit balance of 34 covers mounted on exhibit pages, many better including 1853 Philadelphia to Scotland with red small "24" prepaid rating, 1851 to Schleswig-Holstein with "Phila. 5Cts. Paid" octagon; 1852 to Wurttemberg with "Phila. 5Cts. Paid" octagon; 1854 Sheffield, England to Philadelphia with "48" due handstamp (EKU), 1857 Jersey to Philadelphia prepaid GB 1s green embossed via Cunard Asia; 1859 Gibraltar to Philadelphia; 1860 Philadelphia to London with "Phila. Am. Pkt." exchange cds and previously unrecorded "Paid 24" prepaid rating; 1855 Rotterdam to Philadelphia with "Philadelphia Br. Pkt" exchange cds and bold "5" due handstamp (EKU); 1860 Manchester to Philadelphia by Vanderbilt Illinois; several banknote issue stamped usages including 1874 Philadelphia to France with 157 (2), 158 (2) bearing orange "P.D." in circle handstamp (EKU), couple France franked inbound covers, 1875 Philadelphia to London with 15¢ #163; etc., condition above norm, Very Fine and excellent group. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
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Realized: $800

1862-1885, Philadelphia Outbound Stamped Foreign Mail, select group of 30 stamped covers with various Philadelphia Foreign Mail cancels, including 1862 to Halifax N.S. with 10¢ #68, 1869 to Sherbourne, England with 12¢ #90 grilled tied by blue PFM 69-1 geometric, 1870 to London with 3¢ #147 pair tied by PFM 70-4 square FM cancel, 1870 to London with 6¢ #117 tied by PFM 70-3 three-bar grid, two 1870 covers to London with 3¢ #117 tied by PFM 70-3 three-bar grid, 1872 to London with 6¢ #148 tied by blue quartered cork (PFM 72-2); 1872 to Paris with 10¢ #150 tied by red duplex, 1872 to Paris with #147 pair tied by red duplex, 1872 to France with 1¢ #145, 15¢ #152 tied by blue quartered cork (PFM 72-2), 1874 to Italy with 10¢ #161 tied by six-prong radial (PFM 74-2), etc., a Very Fine group with many better covers. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $850