1867, 3¢ rose, A. grill, bright fresh color and well defined grill with most perfs intact, s.e. at right, neatly tied by "Phil'a, Pa., Aug 19" cds on fresh corner card cover to Academia, Pa., 1867 docketing at left, Very Fine and choice, this is quite possibly the earliest on cover usage of the 1867 3¢ A. grill. Scott No. 79; $1,900 Estimate $600 - 800.
The earliest documented use of August 13th is a stamp on piece with a Cincinnati, O. duplex cancel not tying and without year date.
Realized: $950

1867, 3¢ rose, C. grill, natural s.e. at right, tied by diamond grid cancel on embossed merchant corner card cover, "Boston, Mass., Nov 23" cds alongside stamp, with original 1867 enclosure, Very Fine, a very scarce on cover usage. Scott No. 83; $1,250 on cover Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $130

1867, 3¢ rose, C. grill, some perf flaws at covers edge, tied by "New Orleans, La., Dec 29" cds and crossroad duplex on small ladies cover to New York, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 83; $1,250 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

1867, 3¢ rose, D. grill, two singles, slightly overlapping and tied tied by Worcester, Mass., Feb 19 duplex postmarks on cover to Petersham, Mass.; stamp with margin flaws at cover edge, F.-V.F., scarce multiple usage. Scott No. 85; $1,150 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

1867, 2¢ black, Z. grill, single in pair with horizontal bisect, manuscript canceled, matching "No. Aurelius Mi, Oct 16 69" postmark on cover to Eaton Rapids Mich.; tear in single not mentioned in certificate, manuscript stain at center, Fine, a rare usage of the 2¢ Z. grill however P.F. certificate declines opinion as to weather this is a usage of a bisect; with 1998 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 85B var. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $325

1867, 2¢ black, E. grill, vertical bisect used as 1¢, left half, used with 2¢ black, E. grill (87) single, s.e., tied together by brownish black target cancels, matching "Bolton Conn. Jun 20" on cover to East Haddam Conn.; reduced at right, otherwise Very Fine and rare bisect use; with 1972 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 87b $2,000.

1867, 10¢ green, E. grill, used with 2¢ black, E grill (87) and 3¢ red, F grill (94), all tied by matching corks duplexed with "Phila Pa. Jun 24" cds on 1868 cover to Naples, Italy, red "New York Paid All Br. Transit, Jun 25" exchange cds, carried by NGL Hermann from New York Jul. 25th to Southampton arriving Jul. 6th, various 1868 backstamps including Napoli (8.13) arrival cds, a Very Fine grilled three-color franking, ex-Faust; with 1988 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 89; $515 as used singles Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $240

1867, 12¢ black, E. grill, strong grill, tied by brilliant red quartered cork, matching "Supplementary Mail" framed type A handstamp and "New York, Paid All, Jul 30" exchange cds on 1868 cover to London, England, red London Paid (8.10) arrival cds; some light soiling, F.-V.F. and scarce New York supplementary mail use. Scott No. 90 Estimate $500 - 750.
Cover was prepaid 12¢ treaty rate by stamp plus the 12¢ supplementary fee in cash.
Realized: $500

1867, 12¢ black, E. grill, wide margins, tied by exceptional strike of N.Y. foreign mail cancel on cover to London, England, red "New York, Paid All, Sep 16" exchange and London entry cds's, Extremely Fine, a choice usage. Scott No. 90 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $350

1867, 1¢ blue, F. grill, horizontal pair tied by blue manuscript "Sept 12 1862" cancel prepaying the 2¢ tax on Sept. 12th 1868 coffin receipt; some manuscript and folds, F.-V.F. and scarce F. grill revenue use, ex-Morrissey. Scott No. 92 Estimate $400 - 600.