1863, 2¢ black, vertical strip of three and vertical pair, strip with part imprint at right, tied by targets duplexed with "Station G, Philada. Jun 22 '67, 2nd" cds on cover with green illustrated Hedge Plants and Tree Seeds corner card to Canada West, Guelph (6.28) receiving backstamp; reduced slightly at bottom with most of flap missing, still Very Fine, ex-Burrows; with 2004 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 73 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950

1863, 2¢ black, tied by four-ring target cancel duplexed with "Philadelphia Pa. Mar. 3" cds on 1866 folded cover to Baltimore Md. at the 2¢ circular rate, flap bearing Johnson's Free P.O. Box black on green Lincoln portrait label and docketed "Phila Fgt Circular, Mch 3, 1866"; 2¢ affected by file fold, cover refolded due to some erosion, Fine and rare Lincoln portrait label; with 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 73 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,100

1863, 2¢ black, in combination with 1861, 1¢ blue (clipped perfs at lower right) on cover to Haverhill, N.H., with brown "Adjutant Cens. Office, Official Business" imprint, 2¢ lightly canceled and 1¢ tied by "Concord, N.H., Oct 26, '65" cds, Very Fine. Scott No. 73+63 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

1863, 2¢ black, group of three covers comprising: #73 tied by star cancel duplexed with "N.Y. city 'D' Mar 22" cds to local address, #73 uncanceled on wrapper addressed to Tucson Ariz. endorsed "via Santee Fee", and 1867, 2¢ black, F. grill horizontal pair tied by cork cancels on wrapper front addressed to New York City street address, Very Fine and interesting trio. Scott No. 73, 93 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

1863, 2¢ black, two singles, both well centered, right stamp shows a plate scrape variety, tied by "Jackson Cal. Jan 22" cds on blue-lined cover to Atkinson Me., endorsed "By Steamer"; cover reduced slightly at right and slight stain spot, Very Fine. Scott No. 73 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

1863, 2¢ black, tied by four-ring target cancel duplexed with "Station A, Philada. Feb 7 '67, 1st" cds on cover to "Forrestdale up the River", perfect bold strike of "Held for Postage" oval handstamp; 2¢ small flaws at bottom, Very Fine, ex-Metzger. Scott No. 73 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

1863, 2¢ black, tied in combination with 1861 3¢ rose strip of 3 by grid cancels with Chicago cds alongside on 1865 cover to Prince Edward Island with arrival backstamp, right stamp in strip with bend and perf flaws, Very Fine, a scarce destination. Scott No. 73 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70

1863, 2¢ black, horiz. pair, tied in combination with two singles 1861 3¢ rose by cork cancels and Boston cds on cover to Prince Edward Island with arrival backstamp, couple unnoticeable stamp flaws & flap torn, Very Fine, a scarce destination. Scott No. 73 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110

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1863, 2¢ black, diagonal bisect, used as part of 3¢ rate, diagonal bisect in pair with single, each stamp cancelled by matching manuscript cross-hatch, matching manuscript "Black Creek Pa Apr 11/68" postmark at left on orange cover front to Philadelphia Pa., pencil notation at bottom left "due 1 cts carrier", clear strike of "DUE 1" straightline handstamp possibly for the carrier fee; reduced at right affecting bisect, Fine and interesting use., Fine and interesting use. Scott No. 73a $1,500 as cover.
Realized: $525

1862, 5¢ red brown, nicely centered, tied by grid handstamp on 1863 folded letter sheet to Amsterdam, Holland, red "N. York Br. Pkt., Paid, Jun 17" cds and endorsed "P. Persia, Open Mail via Ostende", manuscript "80" Dutch due rating, reverse with red London transit and receiving cds's, Very Fine. Scott No. 75 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $170