Afghanistan, (Oldtime) Collection, 1870-80's, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, this collection must be examined to appreciate. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,050

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Austria, Lombardy Venetia & Hungary, (Oldtime) Collection, 1850-90, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, included is a small selection of Austrian Levant, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, a couple certificates accompany, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,400

Benelux, (Oldtime) Collection, 1849-91, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, mostly complete for the period, Luxembourg with first issues and additional10c with green cancel and a beautiful 1sg strip of three, Belgium includes 1875 5fr deep red brown mint and the 5fr pale brown used, Netherlands complete with additional, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $1,250

British Africa, (Oldtime) Collection, 1848-91, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, includes Mauritius with 1848 1d late impression pair and a 1859 2d Lapirot late impression and later completion, good Transvaal issues, Natal with early embossed issues including a #1 on cover, C.G.H., St. Helena and useful to better Lagos, Sierra Leone, Gambia, etc., there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $2,400

British Asia, (Oldtime) Collection, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, includes India starting with a wide margin sound ½a white Scinde Dawk (signed Richter), first general issues with duplication and a nice full margin 4a and two 1a singles on cover to England, some Officials and States, useful Thailand and Ceylon including a four margin 1859 1sh6d green and some nice later issues, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
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Realized: $5,250

British Asia, (Oldtime) Collection, 1862-91, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, with Strait Settlements with second issue high values mint with good to better later and cover, Bangkok with almost a dozen issue */o, Labuan with mint first issues present, good following surcharges, North Borneo well represented including 1889 $10 mint, Sarawak and Hong Kong with a few good high values, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,900

British Europe, (Oldtime) Collection, 1859-89, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, better mint and used items throughout including Cyprus with mint first overprint and surcharge issues, 1881 issues with good 4pi & 6pi values, Ionian Islands with 1d blue and 2d red tied on large pieces, useful Malta, Gibraltar with first issues complete mint with additional used, later 1886-89 QV sets complete mixed */o, there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,300

British Pacific, (Oldtime) Collection, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a few covers, includes useful Fiji & Samoa, 1828 folded letter Tahiti to London, New Zealand with some nice Chalon issues, Australian States with Queensland, Western Australia near complete with nice four margin early issues, South Australia with many early pairs and covers, Tasmania with nice four margin imperfs to the high values and a nice 1883 three color mixed issue franking cover to Switzerland, N.S.W. from four margin 1850 issues and following Laureates with marginal singles and pairs as well as other pairs, strip and block, Victoria with half-length combination cover, etc., there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, accompanied by six certificates, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $4,750
British West Indies, (Oldtime) Collection, 1859-91, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, better items throughout including useful Jamaica, Bermuda with 1875 1d on 1sh mint, Grenada with mint first issues and a nice showing of later including 1883 issue complete with additional 1d tete-beche pair, nice showing of mostly mint Virgin Islands, St, Christopher with early issues and later mint surcharges, Bahamas with 1884 £1 used, Nevis with basic completion, Leeward Islands first issues complete, Barbados with later high values, St. Vincent well represented, etc., there are a few small faults here and there, however the overall quality is outstanding with large margined and well centered stamps throughout, most have been hand selected and are fresh with choice postmarks and cancellations, this collection must be examined to appreciate the completion and condition. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,000
Canada & Provinces, (Oldtime) Collection, 1851-90, attractive oldtime collection of 19th century issues, primarily used material however a few mint items are present, better used items throughout including a cover, Canada with a useful range of classics, Provinces with P.E.I. first issues */o, New Brunswick #1 x2, Nova Scotia with 1851 3d bright blue on cover, there are a few small faults here and there, worth review. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,400