Revenue Collection, housed in Scott album with completion in issues not normally encountered; staring with first issues including imperf issues missing 15 issues for completion and pert perfs well filled and perf'd issues missing only three issues for total completion, both Second and Third issues are complete, later documentary issues well represented including good 1900 surcharges and some later completion, proprietary issues with 1875-81 approaching completion, Playing Cards missing only a few issues with additional invert surcharges, few other issues, etc.; with nice condition throughout and well above norm, owner's catalog $33,895. Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.
Realized: $5,750
Revenue Collection, 1862-71, specialized first and second issue collection in mounts in a Scott album augmented with many homemade pages, primarily first issues with imperf and part perf versions with pairs and strips throughout, including many silk paper varieties plus some second issues, features Scott #R2c (2), R11b, R17c (2), R29d, R51a, R74a, R74c, R80c (three shades), R86a, R97c, R100c (2), R101c (4 including shades), R102a and R126 (faint cut cancel), also pairs R1b, R32a, R43a, R49a, R56a, R57a, R59b, R62a, R89a, R94a (and strip of four), some duplication, owner's Scott $15K+ great lot for the specialist, generally fine to very fine. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,000
Revenue Collection, 1862-1958, housed in Scott brown album; strong representation in 1st issues, imperfs with better higher values including R81a, R82a, R85a, R88a, R90a-R91a all nice four margin, perf issues missing only seven rarer issues for completion, 2nd & 3rd issues complete to the $10, later issues with much completion, other issues represented including proprietary, future delivery near complete, stock transfer, wine playing card, etc. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,800
Lot 2123 o
Revenue Collection, First Issue Handstamp Cancel, over 350 stamps arranged on stockpages, from singles to multiples, containing a nice selection of handstamp cancellations, some railroad cancels, many cancels are identified by company, mostly on perf'd issues up to a $10 Charter Party strip of three; inspection recommended.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $625
United States Collection, 1862-1958, of over 60 items identified on stockcards; includes a few large margin first issue imperfs, mostly later documentary reds and stock transfer issues, all high quality hand-selected items, some mint n.h., etc.; worth careful review. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050
Lot 2125 o
Revenue Group, 1862-72, collection of used first, second and third issues, all perforated on Scott National pages, including Scott #R2c, R17c, R73c, R74c, R77c, R79c, R80c, R83c, R90c, R97c, R98c, R100c, R101c, R103, R108, R110, R113, R114, R116, R119, R121, R122, R125, R128, R129, R136, R141-42, R146-47, R149, most second issue highlights with cut cancels, clean group, owner's Scott $7,200+, worth inspection, generally fine to very fine.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Lot 2126 o
Match & Medicine Group, collection of 25 mostly different Private Die proprietary stamps, more than half with less than 50 known, match stamps including Scott #RO22a, RO24d, RO66u, RO182a, RO182e, RO185a (about 19 known), medicine stamps including RS16a, RS29c, RS40c, RS41a, RS41d (16 known), RS42c (28 known), RS99a (26 known) - three are present here, RS99c (31 known), RS134b, RS159b, RS167c, RS176a (40 known), RS237d (19 known), RS238b (34 known) and RS264Ad (30 known), condition varies as usual on these scarce items, owner's Scott $25K+, rare opportunity for the M&M enthusiast.Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
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Realized: $5,750
Private Die Medicine Stamp Collection, housed on speciality pages in four binders, includes stamp issues and proofs, with over 500 different items with good to better items throughout; includes better J.C. Ayer & Co. band issues with #RS4b, RS4P3 pair, RS4f, RS4g, etc., and round type issues with a nice 4-margin RS10d and proof, D.S. Barnes with scarce #RS16a (cat $675) and complete following black issue and a set of 3 proofs, W.T. Blow well represented with RS31a and proof pair present, B. Brandreth includes RS34b and corresponding large die proof on full card, John I. Brown issues nearing completion including RS41a (cat $550), complete J. Burnett & Co. issues, good Campion issues present, Cannon with RS49c, Crook complete and J. Curtis nearly complete, Dalley's issues complete (both companies), S.B. Hartman 6¢ issues complete (cat $1,000 & $400 respectively), good Home Bitters issues, Hops Bitters Co. with RS131P3 marginal block of six, S.D. Howe RS134a & RS134b, Kelly with rare RS153a (flaws but cats $2,250) and proof pair, Littlefield with rare RS165a (restored corner, cats $2,000), Marsden RS176a (cat $525), Merchant's with rare RS179c (cats $1,500), very scarce Scheetz's RS210b (cat $1,000), four Swaim issues include RS233a, rare RS235a (cat $1,650), RS235b and RS235d, U.S. Prop. Medicine Co. with good wrapper issues, E. Wilder with better present, etc., also includes a section of 8 Dr. Kilmer & Co. provisionals; condition mix as to be expected for these issues however the overall condition is well above the norm throughout with most of the rare issues being repaired, owner's catalog in excess of $57,550. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
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Realized: $19,000
Lot 2128 o
Private Die Medicine Balance, of over 45 better stamps and proofs; stamps including #RS16a, RS100b, RS109TC1e, RS143b, RS159b, RS215b pair, RS227b foreign entry, etc.; condition mixed, catalog value $9,625+.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
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Realized: $2,500
Duck Stamp Stock Balance, of mostly mint n.h. issues identified on stock or dealer pages, much hand-selected high quality items; starting from RW2 on with many plate no. singles, few used items including a large margin RW1 with socked-on-the-nose cancel; inspection highly recommended. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $2,100