Mint Accumulation, old-time assembly of issues mostly late 19th and early 20th century issues, very fresh; Scott $9,200+. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950
United States Collection, 1893-1933, lovely mint collection of commemorative blocks and singles in mounts in a classic 1933 Phil-A-Line springback album, blocks including 1¢-6¢ Columbians, 1¢-10¢ Trans-Mississippi, Columbian and Trans-Mississippi singles 1¢-50¢, then nearly complete singles and corresponding blocks of four from Pan-Americans through Century of Progress (less only a few items), does feature Pan-Pacific both perfs 10¢ orange blocks and White Plains souvenir sheet, most blocks of four have fresh n.h. stamps within, owner's Scott $21K+, review will prove rewarding, generally fine to very fine. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,800
2081 ![](http://www.rumseyauctions.com/images/mint.gif)
United States Commemoratives Collection, 1893-1935, all mint collection with commemoratives from Colombians to Farleys, definitives from 1922-32 in mount on Scott pages, features Scott #239 n.h., 240, 291, Pan Americans, Louisiana Purchase, Jamestown, 1909 reds with 2¢ blue paper, Panama Pacific both perfs complete (with 401-3 n.h.), 551-73, 581-91, 599A n.h. single and line pair, 597-99, 600-06 n.h. line pairs, White Plains sheet n.h., 634A n.h., Kansas-Nebraska sets complete and more, fresh and worth review, generally fine to very fine. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,600
2082 ![](http://www.rumseyauctions.com/images/mint.gif)
1894-99 2¢ Bureau Issue Plate Single and Strip Collection, of 84 plate singles, 51 plate strips and two plate number booklet panes (one with "Specimen" overprint), all arranged on identifying stockpages, plate singles with some from each position side; condition varies with nice fresh material. Estimate $600 - 800.
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Realized: $600
2083 ![](http://www.rumseyauctions.com/images/mint.gif)
Mint Accumulation, 1893-1938, fresh all mint n.h. accumulation on black stock pages in a binder, mostly blocks of four or plate blocks and some better singles including Scott #290 10¢ Trans-Mississippi (2), 369 Lincoln bluish paper, 524 $5 Franklin (XF), E11 "pink backs" (2), also blocks of four (some with plate numbers) including 287 4¢ Trans-Mississippi, 537 3¢ Victory (five various shades), 555-57, 559-61, 565-67, 569, 584-87, 591, 693-701 etc., plate blocks including 561 1¢-10¢ National Parks etc., owner's Scott $12,400+, generally fine to very fine or better. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,800
2084 ![](http://www.rumseyauctions.com/images/mint.gif)
Mint Better Stock, substantial range of material on stock cards and dealer pages; includes a few early classics starting with a #10X1, few 1869 Pictorials and Banknotes, mostly 1890-1930's material with a nice showing of Columbians up to the 30¢ with many well centered items, Trans-Miss including 50¢ value, Bureau definitives up to the 50¢, 1902, definitives, Louisiana, various Washington-Franklins including coils, nice Pan-Pac issues, later material including plate blocks, Kans-Nebr including set in blocks, some other material including early booklets, a little back-of-the-book including essays, CSA & Possessions, etc.; with overall condition above the norm, worth careful evaluation. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $7,250
Back Stock and Remainder Balance, large box filled with various binders, folder, album, etc.; mostly mint dealer back stock of quality with loads of mint 1920-30's material including plate block and gutter material, Park & Prexie material, also includes a nice run of mint 1880-1910's issues, airmails from C1 on including a airmail mint block hoard, other both issues include better special deliveries, parcel post, ducks from RW1 on and additional early plate blocks, other material including good booklet panes, newspapers worth checking, errors, etc., also some good catalogs and a useful mostly used U.S. collection; worth careful evaluation. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $6,000
United States Collection, housed in 6 Scott albums; useful range of used 19th century including #1 and 4 margin #14, mixed 1861-67 issues including grills, Banknotes with some later mint, bureaus to the dollar values, #272a, 20th century with early mint commemoratives and good range of definitives, etc., White Plains, Kans-Nebr., etc., mostly mint thereon to the 1990's, condition mixed, inspect. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,750
Eclectic Stock, unusual stock of */o mostly housed in binders; main value in loads of 1940 to modern face including plate block collection from 1920's on, used including perfin collection and some postmark interest, also includes a E.F.O. collection with good value, not a lot of better but loads of material; please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $950
United States Collection & Balance, mostly housed in 8 binders; U.S. includes used collection with useful classics including 1869 Pictorials to the 30¢, Banknote high values, Columbians including dollar values, etc., mint with plate blocks 1920-50's which including White Plains sheet, 1932 Bicentennial, Parks, Famous Americans, etc., also a balance of non-U.S. including U.N. collection (with better souvenir sheet) with a small hoard of inscription blocks, Israel collection, and worldwide with many thousands. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,350