Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Porto Rico, Mil. Sta. No. 3, clear strike of cds duplexed with "1" barred oval ties 1¢ yellow green (210) on U.S. 1¢ postal card (UX13) to Germany, "San Juan. Porto Rico. Mil. Sta. No. 4 W.D.C." transit cds and Elberfeld (7.18) arrival cds; crease at right and some wear, still Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140

Puerto Rico, Military Sta., Port Rico. Wash. D.C., Jan 15 '99, sharp bold strike of cds duplexed with barred oval cancels U.S. 2¢ blue on cream (UX13) to New York N.Y., light arrival cds, Extremely Fine and scarce Porto Rico military station use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Puerto Rico, Ponce, Porto Rico, Registered, May 6, 1902, purple double-circle datestamp on U.S. 5¢ blue (U377) entire to Italy bearing U.S. 10¢ orange brown (283), both cancelled by matching corks, New York (5.12) magenta registry oval backstamp and New York registry label affixed (FX-NY1a), Italian receiving backstamp (5.27), Very Fine and scarce registered use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

Puerto Rico, San Juan, Porto Rico, Jul 21, 1902, duplex with barred oval ties two Nicaragua 25c blue on cover to Binghampton N.Y., purple "Ship's Letter," straightline and matching "San Juan, Porto Rico/Jul 21 1902" two-line postmark on reverse, two strikes of "Held for Postage" straightlines, both crossed out in red crayon, Puerto Rico "T" and "25 Centimes, P.R." duplex, Binghampton (7.27) arrival machine backstamp, two U.S. Official Seals (OX10) affixed, Very Fine and scarce officially sealed use from Puerto Rico. Estimate $200 - 300.
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Realized: $375