Canal Zone, U.S. Army APOs First Days, complete set of 9 serviced on July 1, 1942 first day of posts comprising #825, 827, 828, 829, 832, 833, 834, 835, 837, 835 is addressed to Washington D.C., rest unaddressed, fresh and Very Fine set. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $100

Canal Zone, 1904, 5¢ blue, tied by purple bars cancel, matching "Matachin * Canal Zone * Nov 16, 1904" purple cds on cover to Constantinople, Turkey, with manuscript "Open mail via Sudan" directive, reverse with Cristobal (11.16), New York (11.23) transits and British Post Office in Constantinople (12.8) arrival backstamps; slight stain at left, otherwise Very Fine and rare destination from the Canal Zone, ex-Brody. Scott No. 6 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525

Canal Zone, 1931 (Apr. 2) Managua, Nicaragua P.A.A. Earthquake Emergency Airmail Flight to Cristobal, Canal Zone, cover with blue "P.A.A. AB, APR=2'31 Managua" framed handstamp and black "Managua Nicaragua, Emergency, PAA 4-2-31" diamond flight cachet handstamp, blue framed "P.A.A. Y, APR-2'31 Cristobal" framed arrival, signed by pilot in upper left corner "A Paschal", some glue stains, Fine and scarce flight. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70

Canal Zone, (Official Seal) 1915 incoming mail to Paraiso, Canal Zone, cover bearing U.S. 2¢ Wash. tied by "Elizabeth N.J. Jan 4, 1915" machine cancel, purple "Missent to Passaic, N.J.", pencil "Opened by P.M. Passaic N.J." note on reverse, U.S. Official Seal (OX13) pair affixed over right edge and tied by "Passaic" double-ovals, Passaic (1.5) backstamps, purple "Paraiso, C.Z., Received, Jan 13, 1915" arrival backstamp; some toning, Fine and interesting use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Canal Zone, Post Office Seal, 1917, slate violet, two seal affixed over top edge that has been opened, on cover bearing G.B. ½ green and 1d purple (2) tied by "Edinburgh, Apr 5, 1932" machine cancel to Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, manuscript "Opened by Mistake, Do not know Miss Morrison" on reverse, large purple "REBUT" handstamp and returned to Canada, "Strongfield, Sask. MY 10 32" arrival cds, Very Fine. Scott No. OX3 $250.
Realized: $240

Canal Zone, Post Office Seal, 1917, slate violet, affixed over bottom edge on damaged green cover bearing 2¢ carmine (84) tied by machine cancel and "Balboa, Jan 4" duplex to Gatum, purple "Damaged by cancelling machine" straightline on front and reverse, Very Fine and scarce use. Scott No. OX3 $250.
Realized: $270

Canal Zone, Post Office Seal, 1946, slate blue, affixed at right of roughly opened buff envelope with from soldier endorsed "Free" with "San Antonio, Texas, 1946" machine cancel to Balboa, Canal Zone, Nov. 10t arrival backstamp, endorsed "Opened by Mistake", forwarded to Victorville Cal., Fine and scarce use. Scott No. OX4 $300.
Realized: $270

Canal Zone, Registration Envelope, 1918, 10¢ on 5c black & red on cream, narrow surcharge, mint entire, some insect hole repairs, Fine and rare entire. Scott No. UF1 $1,750.
Realized: $260

Canal Zone, Registration Envelope, 1918, Rejected "Canal Zone" Overprint 5c black & red on cream, mint entire clearly showing "Canal Zone" overprint underneath solid block overprint; faulty at bottom, Fine and scarce. Scott No. UF1 var. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

Canal Zone, Registration Envelope, 1918, 10¢ on 5c black & red on cream, wide surcharge, used entire uprated with 2¢ vermilion & black (32), both cancelled by matching corks, turquoise "Ancon, C.Z., Registered, Apr 19, 1921" cds to Waterbury Conn., Cristobal (4.20) transit backstamp; small flaws including 2¢ split upon opening, Fine and rare used entire. Scott No. UF1a $2,000.
Realized: $350