Confederacy, (South Carolina) Charleston, S.C., '24', Apr 5, 1861, clear strike of cds with 24¢ integral due rating on folded letter to Edinburgh, Scotland," "N. York Br. Pkt. '5' "" integral exchange cds, endorsed per Cunard "Str Africa" departing New York on April 10th and arriving at Queenstown on April 21st, Edinburgh (4.23) backstamp and manuscript "1/-" shilling packet due rating; vertical file folds, F.-V.F., a scarce through the lines Confederate use to Scotland. Estimate $400 - 600.

Confederacy, Tennessee Postal History Balance, of 27 items; stampless including Broylesville cds on adversity cover made from legal form, 1862 Philadelphia manuscript on cover to Alexander Stephens in Richmond, Va., 1863 cover with enclosure from Nicjack Coal Mines, other usages from Jacksborough, Decherd, Cumberland Gap, Richmond Station and Adams Station, franked items including 5¢ blue pair with Tyner manuscript, #12d tied by Chattanooga "Rover" cds, Zollicoffer manuscript usages including one on rebacked front with #9 "TEN"; condition varies. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Realized: $800

Confederacy, (Virginia) Norfolk Va., group of 6 covers with blue handstamped markings comprising "Paid" in circle and "5" (type D $300); "Paid 5 C" in circle (type C $200); "Paid 10 C." in circle (type E $200); "Paid" in circle and "20" (type G $500); "Paid 10 C" in circle rerated with "Paid 5 C." in circle (type E var. $300); and 1861 use with manuscript "Norfolk Va, Aug 31st 1861" and blue crayon "Drop 2" to Columbus Ga. (PFC declining opinion on when or where "Drop 2" applied); few flaws, F.-V.F. C.S.A. Catalog $1,500+. Estimate $500 - 750.

Confederacy, (Virginia) Norfolk Va., two covers, first with blue "Norfolk Va., Sep 6, 1861" double-circle datestamp with matching "Paid" in circle and "5" rating handstamps to Berea S.C., and second with blue "Norfolk Va., Jun 25, 1861" double-circle datestamp with matching "Paid" in circle and "10" rating handstamps to Mobile Ala.; small flaws, F.-V.F. and scarce pair. C.S.A. Catalog No. D, F; $600 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $70