6164 (
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d pale red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, unused without gum, clear to huge margins including part of adjacent stamp at bottom, beautiful bright color with a sharp impression, particularly fresh and Very Fine. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (6). SG No. 43 var. £1,700 ($2,230).
Realized: $475

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, large to huge margins including top of adjacent stamp below, deep rich color and strong impression, tied by light "Providence of Auckland" town cds on small piece, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 £110 ($140).
Realized: $290

Lot 6166 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d deep red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, horizontal pair, full to large margins all around, deep rich color and strong impression, each lightly cancelled by barred oval, fresh and Very Fine pair. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (4).SG No. 43 £220 as normal singles ($290).
Realized: $290

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, two horizontal pairs originally forming strip of four, large margins except clear or barely touched at top with strong bright color, cancelled by light numeral "1" barred ovals of Auckland on blue piece with boxed "Too Late" handstamp; couple minor stamp flaws, F.-V.F. and quite attractive, DuBois (Hiroaki Inoue), Matthew Bennett, May 2007, lot 2154. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 £440 as singles ($580).
Realized: $200

Lot 6168 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, strip of three (R. 7/4-6) with pos. R. 7/5 showing D defect of ZEALAND, full to huge margins including part of stamp at left, rich color on bright paper, partial strikes of 1864 duplex, right stamp with small flaw at top, otherwise Extremely Fine and choice strip; with clear 2006 Behr certificate. Scott No. 14, 14 var. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5).SG No. 43, 43 var. £330 as singles ($430).
One constant flaw is found on the six pence plate. This is a spot of color at the top of the vertical stroke of the D of ZEALAND, probably caused by a piece of hardened metal becoming lodged on the transfer roller during the rolling in of the plate. Impressions affected are No. 4 of Rows 17-20, No. 5 of Rows 1-20, and No. 6 of Rows 1-3. The flaw is easily seen on the 1871 printings.
Realized: $290

6169 o
New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, block of four, clear to large margins, deep rich color, two bold strikes of Auckland numeral "1" barred ovals, scissor cut between top stamps, Very Fine and scarce used multiple, DuBois (Hiroaki Inoue), Matthew Bennett, May 2007, lot 2155; with 2006 Odenweller certificate. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $625

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d deep red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, large to huge margins showing part of stamp at top, intense rich color and impression on bright paper, tied by sharp numeral "1" barred oval, matching "Auckland, New Zealand, OC 7, 1863" backstamp on Laver correspondence cover to Sydney, Australia, written from Robert Laver, Quartermaster, 12th Regiment to his wife, "Ship-Letter, Sydney, OC 22, 1863" arrival backstamp; slightly rough opening at left, Extremely Fine and choice use at the 6d rate for 1 oz. letter to Australia; with 1957 R.P.S.L. certificate. Scott No. 14 var. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (4). SG No. 43 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $900

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, large to huge margins showing adjacent stamp at right, bottom margin touched, deep rich color, tied by "Drury, Mar 31, 64" cds on mourning cover to London, England, Auckland (3.31) transit cds, red London (6.23) arrival backstamp, Very Fine and attractive use. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $550

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, tied by "Queen's Redoubt" (Pokeeno) barred oval, matching "New-Zealand, JY 20, 1864" double-arc datestamp on light rose buff Laver correspondence cover to Sydney, Australia at the 6d rate for 1 oz. letter, Auckland (7.20) transit cds and "Ship-Letter, Sydney, AU 4, 1864" arrival backstamp, letter was from Robert Laver, Quartermaster, 12th Regiment to his wife; small edge tear and partial flap, F.-V.F. and scarce Queen's Redoubt cancel use; with 1998 Behr certificate. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 Estimate $300 - 400.
Queen's Redoubt, Pokeno, is an historic place of great importance. The New Zealand Wars mark a huge change in the history of this country. The key campaign was the struggle for the Waikato. Queen's Redoubt was the launching pad for the July 1863 British invasion, which began the Waikato War.
Realized: $650

New Zealand, 1862, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 6d red brown, imperf, Large Star watermark, large to huge margins except clear at right, rich shade, tied by numeral "1" barred oval, matching "Auckland, JA 4, 64" origin backstamp on 1864 cover to Oxford, England, reverse with red London (3.18) transits and Oxford (3.17) arrival cds, forwarded to Windsor with G.B. 1d red tied by "Oxford, MR 17, 64" duplex, Windsor (3.18) arrival backstamp, forwarded yet again to London the same day; cover tears and bit of flap missing, F.-V.F. and scarce forwarded use. Scott No. 14. Campbell Paterson No. A5b (5). SG No. 43 Estimate $500 - 750.
Cover prepaid at the 6d rate per ½ oz. via Suez with Great Britain 1d added to pay redirection postage.
Realized: $750