New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d pale blue, imperf, unwatermarked, strip of three (R. 16/5-7) showing abbreviated impression owing to the overlap at top, mostly margins all around, one a little rubbed, tied by light numeral "11" barred ovals, reverse with "Ahuriri, JU10, 1859" rimless backstamp on blue cover to Lewes, England, Sep. 19th arrival cds, F.-V.F. use prepaid for the 6d per ½ oz. rate via Suez and Southampton, H. Gordon Kaye, Christie's Robson Lowe, April 1991John Woolfe, Spink, October 2006, lot 205. Scott No. 8e. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (2).
SG No. 9 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Carried by "Wonga Wonga" from Ahuriri to Sydney, then P&O "Northam" from Sydney to Suez (via Mauritius), then P&O "Ceylon" from Alexandria to Southampton. The "Northam" grounded on the Shab-Barger reef, near to Jeddah, on the evening of June 20th, leaking water into the forehold. The passengers were put ashore and it took until June 25th to re-float the ship and reload the passengers before proceeding to Suez.
Realized: $1,150

New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d pale blue, imperf, unwatermarked, horizontal pair and four singles, all with three our four margins, each cancelled with indistinct numeral "18" barred ovals, matching "Otago, New-Zealand, JU 25, 1859" rimless backstamp on Dick correspondence cover to London, England, red London Paid (9.19) arrival cds also ties the pair; all stamps with small trivial defects mentioned on cert, Very Fine and attractive double-rate franking, Dr. Adam Hunter, Stanley Gibbons, July 1980, Illustrated on the front coverJoseph Hackmey, Spink Shreves, May 2010, lot 2124; with 1983 B.P.A. certificate. Scott No. 8e. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (2).
SG No. 9 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,700

6073 (
New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, unwatermarked, unused without gum, full to large margins, deep intense shade on bright paper, fresh and Very Fine with outstanding color. Scott No. 8. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (3). SG No. 10 £1,400 ($1,840).
Realized: $1,350

Lot 6074 o
New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, unwatermarked, beautiful large margins all around, brilliant color on bright paper, sharp bold strike of numeral "11" barred oval of Port Ahuriri, fresh and Extremely Fine gem. Scott No. 8. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (3).SG No. 10 £180 ($240).
Realized: $200

Lot 6075 o
New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, unwatermarked, horizontal pair, cancelled by numeral "17" barred oval of Christchurch, large to huge margins all around, strong color on thick soft paper, fresh and Superb, Yeroc, J.M.A. Gregson, January 2000, lot 94. Scott No. 8. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (3).SG No. 10 £360 as singles ($470).
Realized: $400

New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, unwatermarked, large margins except clear at bottom, rich color, tied by light numeral "1" barred oval, matching "Auckland, New-Zealand, JU25, 1861" backstamp to Wanganui, clear Wellington (7.8) and Petre (7.12) transits, couple small edge tears, Very Fine. Scott No. 8. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (3). SG No. 10 Estimate $150 - 200.
This was sent from Auckland to Wanganui via Wellington due to the overland mail route not in use at this time as a result of the Maori War in Taranaki.
Realized: $300

New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d blue, imperf, unwatermarked, single and horizontal pair (R. 10/4-5 with R. 10/5 recut because of narrow plate layout spacing between design), each large margins to touched, tied by clear strikes of numeral "7" barred oval, matching "Wellington, New Zealand, JA 9, 1862" origin backstamp on folded cover to Sydney, Australia, reverse with "Sydney, Ship-Letter, JA 20, 1862" rimless backstamp, Very Fine and attractive use at the 6d per ½ oz. rate to Australia, Yeroc, J.M.A. Gregson, January 2000, lot 87. Scott No. 8. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (3). SG No. 10 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

Lot 6078 o
New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d deep dull blue, imperf, unwatermarked, four large even margins, bright color, cancelled by unusual "4, Onehunga, A" cancel, Very Fine and rare town cancel. Scott No. 8f. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (4).SG No. 11 £275 ($360).
Realized: $450

New Zealand, 1857, Queen Victoria "Chalon Head", 2d deep dull blue, imperf. SG No. 11. Scott No. 8f. Campbell Paterson No. A2c (4). Unwatermarked. Full to large margins all around, strong color, tied by two neat strikes of numeral "11" barred ovals, matching "Ahuriri, New Zealand, DE 14, 1858" rimless backstamp cds on blue Lewes correspondence cover to Sussex, England, reverse with blue Lewes (4.1) single-arc arrival. Very Fine and. H. Gordon Kaye, Christie's Robson Rowe, April 1991, lot 280. With 1995 R.P.S.N.Z. certificate. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
The 2d dull deep blue strip of three pays the 6d rate for a ½ oz. letter to the United Kingdom.
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Realized: $1,100